2 - Library Access

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A few hours had passed since Sapphire built her makeshift home. As the woman lay in bed, she listened to the sounds of the night. Noises of animals, insects and birds all around. Before long, sleep came over the woman. Her dreams were filled with thoughts of her past. Memories of her life back on her homeworld. How she loved being in the Gravel Jungle, surrounded by stone-like nature. Of how she used to see the sky every day, no matter where she went. It was always there. Always blue.

These memories brought a smile to her lips, causing her sleep to be peacefully sound.


Sapphire awoke to the sun warming her back. Opening her eyes, the woman saw the beginnings of a sunrise. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Sapphire stood up. After a few moments of stretching, she looked around the cave. Everything was still intact. Feeling refreshed, the woman turned and walked outside. Scanning around the area, Sapphire tried to decide on her plans for the day. Going through several options in her mind, her mind landed on one. Nodding her head, the heroine headed to the exit of the park.

As Sapphire stepped foot into the city again, she felt a sense of peace. There was a certain feel to the place. Like a calm before a storm. Some might have thought it strange, but Sapphire didn't care. She was happy.

The streets were lined with shops, stalls and food carts. All with various goods to offer to passersby. Sapphire figured today would be a good opportunity to explore.

After a few minutes, the woman found herself near a small building. Looking up at the structure, her eyes would land on a sign.

"Garrison's Library..." She mumbled. "What a quaint little place, from what I remember Lola saying, books are held here..."

With a grin on her face, the alien would walk inside. As soon as she was close enough, the woman could hear the distinct noises of people reading. Her eyes would peer around the room, studying the several shelves. Each section had a label identifying the genre of the book there. Making her way towards the librarian's desk, Sapphire placed her hand on the wood.

"Excuse me..." She spoke up.

Looking up from his computer screen, a blonde-haired man noticed the young woman.

"Yes?" The man asked, looking down at the woman.

Sapphire cleared her throat, preparing herself. "I'm kind of new around here, I was hoping you could help me get some books!"

The man nodded. "Of course! My name's Garrison!"

"Oh!" Sapphire gasped. "Like the sign?"

"The exact one!" He chuckled, nodding towards her.

"I'm Sapphire."

He gave an awkward wave, smiling awkwardly. "Pleasure to meet you, Sapphire. I can help you find some books if you want. But first, we should get you registered for a library card!"

"A library card?" The heroine repeated.

Garrison nodded. "You know, so you can check out books without having to pay. And also to keep track of your account."

"How do I register?" Sapphire inquired.

"Well, I just need to ask a few questions!" The librarian smiled.

"Ask away!"


"Sapphire Brame..."



"Home address?"

"I... Don't have one..."

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