5 - Chequered Problems

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Waking from hearing smashing and arguing, a young Sapphire would sit up from her bed. Inside her cave-like home which she shared with her family, the sounds of commotion were louder than usual. She had a little idea on what was happening, but her only thoughts were that whatever it was, she didn't want to be involved.

Peering around her room, the little alien was frightened. She hated hearing her father and mother constantly argue. It made her feel like she wasn't wanted; even though they always told her otherwise. Her thoughts instantly went to her twin brother, who was in the bedroom next to hers. As if he could sense her fear, a tiny voice came out from her door.

"You okay, Saph?"

She looked over to the rocky door, noticing her brother, Onyx, standing right there. He knew how much she loved having him close when any shouting was going down... The two siblings never got along much, but when their parents fought, Onyx always knew he was needed by his sister.

Without another word spoken, he walked into the small room, climbing onto Sapphire's bed with a smile. Resting his hand on hers, the two smiled at one another. They were used to their father being a horrible person, the arguments, the abuse, it was sometimes too much! Even so, they both had learnt to put up with it for the sake of their mother.

After a few moments, their father finally left the cave, slamming the door behind him and leaving their mother alone. They knew there was a chance she was injured or crying, but they couldn't find it in them to check; being just too scared.

Instead, the two sat quietly together in silence, unsure of what exactly was happening. All they knew was that their father was angry... and their mother seemed to be broken. Onyx hugged his sister tightly, wishing more than anything that things could change.

"I hate this," Sapphire whispered as tears began flowing freely. "I wish we weren't here anymore..."

Onyx felt her hug tighten around him, and he pulled her closer to his chest.

"We'll go away someday. I promise," he whispered softly into her ear. "No matter where we end up, you're coming with me!"

Sapphire sniffled. She knew her brother was telling the truth about that... Hopefully...


Sapphire was surrounded. Everywhere she gazed too, a member of The Skull-Cheqs would be standing there. She could see that her only way out was through them, but there were far too many. She felt fear creeping up her spine, knowing that if they wanted to, they could easily break her apart. Yes, she had powerful abilities, but she wasn't a master of them yet. She needed to think of something fast.

The gang members held their weapons towards the alien hero, ready to launch any attack they possibly could. They looked like they meant business. Meanwhile, Black Star stood there, being careful not to move any closer to the grunts.

"Well, well, well..." The male captain sneered. "It seems you've been caught."

Sapphire glared at the man.

"You know who I am?" She asked.

"Yes!" The man replied. "I remember watching you on the television after that whole incident on the Thames! You're Black Star, right? Actually hiding your identity now I see?"

"Yeah, well, you're gonna regret saying that when-" Sapphire began.

"Shut up!" The female captain interrupted. "You will address us properly, hero! And do you have any idea how much trouble you are in?"

"I'm guessing you're talking about what happened earlier and yesterday?" Sapphire replied.

"Exactly!" The female captain growled. "How dare you assault our people! It's your fault this situation is where it is! If you hadn't gone around sticking your nose into other people's businesses, none of us would have had to come here."

"That's enough!" The male captain said. "Black Star, do you surrender?"

"Not a chance," The alien hero replied. "I might be stuck here, but I know discrimination when I see it!"

"If you want to die so badly, then go ahead!" The female captain said. "Fight them, hero!"

With that, the of army thugs charged towards Sapphire at full speed. She let them close in on her. In her mind, she thought of all kinds of ways she could use her abilities to save herself, but she didn't have enough time to. All she could do was summon a rock to act as a shield, blocking only a few attackers. But more were behind her! And soon, the attackers got around her rock barrier!

She knew she couldn't last long against these thugs. She needed help, which meant fighting back with everything she had. Suddenly one of the baseball bats hit the heroine's side, knocking her off balance. Another hit her left leg, sending her tumbling across the ground. These thugs were ruthless and relentless!

"You're going to pay for this!" Sapphire growled, getting back onto her feet.

Raising her right hand, she caused the gravity around two of the thugs to begin to compress. Before they could react, they both fell onto the floor. A small smile crossed her lips. She had managed to turn gravity against them. That was good. However, it did little to stop the rest of the thugs.

Another bat was swung towards Black Star's head, causing her to duck and dodge. She could sense that most of the thugs were aiming for her weak points. So she decided to focus on them instead. Closing her eyes, she attempted to summon several small stones from the ground. This time, however, she summoned them into the air, bringing them close to her to surround her entire body. Then she yelled in anger, causing all of the rocks to rocket away from her, creating many miniature projectiles. Multiple of the gang members were hit by the flying rocks, including the female captain who was hit directly on the chest.

"GAHHH!!" She screamed in agony, staggering backwards.

Sapphire caused the female captain to snap. She pulled out a large machete, with the same black and white chequered pattern just like the gang's other weapons. Three grunts grabbed Black Star from behind seconds after she released her attack, pushing her onto the ground. As she fell to her knees, the two captains launched forwards.

The female held her blade directly against Sapphire's throat, while the male captain held his baseball bat up high.

"Now, hero," He snarled. "What do you say?"

"You won't get away with this!" Sapphire shouted.

"I doubt that," The male captain said.

With that, the male thwacked his bat against Sapphire's head! She fell to the ground with a thud, getting knocked out in the process. The captains and thugs laughed as they moved in closer towards the heroine.

"You should have surrendered," The male captain taunted, turning to the female. "So, Kitty, what now?"

"What do you think, you dopey fuck?" She rolled her eyes. "We take her to the boss... Doug, get them to carry her, I ain't ruining my fingernails to carry some bitch..."

"Fine..." Doug, the male captain, groaned. "But I swear to God if I hear you complaining about being tired, I'll break your fingers again!"

Kitty and Doug left the grunts to carry the heroine, taking her towards a car before promptly throwing her into the boot. Sapphire was out and captured, what was she to do now?

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