End .

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After that i walked in to see Asia and Issei vomiting on the display of art from the tempest executives . Oh so beautiful . Shhh i step my foot on the blood . 

Rimuru - Oi couldn't you have done something more neatly .

Diablo - I am sorry , Rimuru sama i tried to stop Ultima but she just wouldn't stop .

Rimuru - Ok understandable .

After a while the mood around us became lighter and  we were happily chatting and Asia told us that she wants to pray . So we left her , When she knelt down to pray , A golden surrounded her and she dissapered . 

Watching that everyone was shocked and angry . Apart from me and the tempest executives .

suddenly a person came from the magic circle . 

??? - Stop playing around Diadora .

Rias - Who are you 

??? - My name is shalba Beelzebub .

After that this shalba bastard killed Diadora Astaroth . We were facing him suddenly we felt a powerspike that is very small for us , But for this world it is quite big . We saw Issei going into juggernet drive . I mean i don't get why he would go in juggernet drive . He is not even half the power of the original dragon even in the juggernet drive . There are 500 Of heavenly dragons behind us . 

Rimuru - Ahhh more work .

Rimuru - Oi tempest peoples get here in the side . He will deal with shalba himself . 

Diablo - Hai rimuru sama .

After that we went outside to see the building crumbling and Rias and her peerage in their . And Issei fighting with shalba . Well not exactly fighting but instead a one sided beat down . Anyway after Issei killed him . Issei was trying to go on a rampage . After that i just sighed.

I just punched him coming very fast near him .

His whole armor broke down And he got knocked down . nearly dead .

Now Rias's peerage were all glaring at me.

Rimuru - What

Rias - You nearly killed him .

Rimuru - No i didn't .

I Sighed and just threw a full potion at him . And here he is good as new . 

Vali - ' Rimuru sama is Rias's peerage missing a member now '

Rimuru - ' Yeah Asia how did you know '

Vali - ' She is in front of me waiting for death currently unconscious'

Rimuru - ' Ok get her here '

Vali - 'Hai' 

After a while Asia was bought back to us and issei was still unconscious . Well fuck him i was looking at them .

Azazel and other also came now . when suddenly i got punched in the back . I have to say it's quite a power whoever punched me . I turned back to see Ophis....

Rimuru - Ophis how are you

Ophis - Just slapped me .

Everyone just looked at me .

Rimuru - Ok i deserved that (Looking at the jaw dropped people )

I turned back to see ophis.

Ophis - You bastard you ran away after sleeping with me .

Everyone - OOF 

Rimuru - I just went to get milk , I still copuldn't find the milk . I am still looking for the milk if i found the milk i will come back straight away (Said with a straight face)

Ophis - (HAd a face that said REALLY)

Rimuru - So ophis i want to ask you something .

Ophis -  What is it .

Rimuru - Well , why did you gather the chaos brigade .

Ophis - (Loking like a child) I just wanted by home back

Rimuru - SO you gave people power to do whatever they want.

Ophis - It's not like that .

Rimuru - So what is it like then .

OPhis (Looks down) - Sorry?

Rimuru - Sorry?

Ophis - Yeah sorry

Rimuru - Ne ophis if i give you your silence will you leave the chaos brigade .

Ophis - Yes 

Rimuru - Good , Now here is the world i created , You are free to roam in that world . Just Don't kill anyone . Is that understood .

Ophis - Yes 

Rimuru - What if there were several dragons also . you can meet with them or you can live in solitude as you wish.

Ophis - Weak dragons ?

Rimuru - No weak dragons they all are Heavenly dragons .

Ophis - Ohhh (Stars in the eyes .)

Rimuru - Want to go . 

Ophis - Yes 

Rimuru - First tell me the location of every faction within the chaos brigade . And you are allowed to go .

After that Ophis told me everything about the chaos brigade . Nothing better than just buying off the leader of an organization.

I let her go to the tempest . 

 I then called my dragons and army and told them to get prepared .



Timeskip 1 week 

I planned an attack on the member of chaos brigade . 

Rimuru - 'START'

After that a one sided surprised massacre happened and the chaos brigade have been dealt with.



Timeskip 5 Years 

We are currently getting married . 

We means Me to CIel , Murayama , Akeno , Yuelluna , Xenovia , Rossweisse , Sona.

After that our one week complete sex . 1 Day with everyone for 1 week and continue the cycle .



Issei don't have his dream of being a harem king now .

HE is married to RIas and Asia .

Koneko and Kiba are married .

Vali and Kuroka are married and they have 3 kittens .

-------------------------------------------------HAPPY ENDING --------------------------------------------

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