Steps Towards A Hopeful Future

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As of today, the world is getting darker by the minute. We have multiple wars going on throughout the world such as Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, and Israel and Palestine among others. People in the United Kingdom are about to lose their homes, women in the United States lose their right to have a say in their bodies, and ongoing riots are happening in Iran. However, there is light in this world. Even though that light is dim for anyone to see, the light is still there. With that in mind, there is some kindness in this world and the world is not as dark as it seems. Here are some ways to make the world a better place.

1: End All Wars

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind." That is a quote made by Jonathan Fitzgerald Kennedy, former President of the United States. Wars kill a lot of people, destroying homes, and historical sites. It brings nothing but death and destruction. The current wars are started of pettiness such as Palestine not willing to share the land with Israel because they had a bad history, China not willing to accept Taiwan being independent, and Russia does not want Ukraine to join NATO. Countries that are conflicting with one another have to make up with compromises. A compromise that could make both countries happy and peaceful. Even if one country is not happy with the compromise, at least with the compromise, the citizens of both countries will have a peaceful life and not kill each other for petty reasons.

2: Put Politics Aside

Everyone has an individual mind, and politicians have different policies in mind they would like to implement in their countries. As of writing this article, there are two political parties in the United Kingdom: The Conservative Party, and the Labour Party. As of writing this article, the Conservative Party is in charge of the government. Under their leadership, gas prices have gone up. Rent and gas prices have skyrocketed, and groceries are currently unaffordable to the average British citizen. Under their leadership, a lot of people have gone homeless because of the choices they made. During these desperate times, especially with the Russian-Ukraine war that is affecting every country, politicians should put politics aside and help out their citizens instead of focusing on earning more money than they can spend in their lifetime. Instead, politicians should use the money paid by the taxpayers and assist those in need and not spend it on luxurious items.

3: Observe Your Surroundings

Because of how dark the world is right now, there are people out there that are suffering in silence but society might be too blind to see it. The people that are suffering inside in silence and choosing not to speak about their issues are quiet because they fear being misunderstood by others, especially those close to them. They are scared of being shunned by society as a whole. That could bring shame and dishonor to their family, which is not their intention when they want to speak out about their issues. When we as a society meet someone that is suffering inside, we should be willing to help out those in need without judging them for who they are and their issues. Even though we lack the resources to help them with their problems, being there for them, being present, and listening to them is enough to help them in ways no one could even imagine.

4: Having Deep Conversations

Humans are social creatures, and we communicate with one another throughout our daily lives, either through texting or speaking. Every day, we are bound to make small talk with other humans. However, not many people are willing to have deep conversations with each other. Deep conversations are the ones where it touches on people's vulnerabilities, it makes them be honest about themselves and reflect on their lives and their decisions. Deep conversations are also used to get to the root of whatever issue one is facing. Whenever there is a chance to have a deep conversation with one another, most people would avoid having that relationship and it could lead to ghosting by one party. The unresolved issue that they have will still be there and they will affect future relationships in the long run. As a society, we should be able to brace the hard topics and have deep conversations with each other so we do not have any hard feelings and grudges toward one another.

I am currently experiencing a similar problem. I met a friend two years ago, and we eventually fell apart because of petty reasons. The whole situation could have been solved through a deep conversation but she was unwilling to have that conversation.

To summarize this article, we should end all wars, put our politics aside, observe our surroundings, and have deep conversations with one another. I hope this article can help heal wounds and make the world a better place for everyone living in it. 

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