Back Home, With Wheelchair (Edited)

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(Eric's POV)

Today I am finally going home. It's been about a week at the hospital. And honestly so happy to be going home. I mean some people don't get to go home but luckily I do. So I am lucky. Well I actually have to go to a rehab but hey I'm going home.

And guess who is right there with me waiting to put me in the wheelchair. Well people I should say. If you guessed my whole family then you are right.

"Hey" Carley said while pushing the wheelchair in

"Hi" I said and sighed once I saw the wheelchair.

"Alright Arthur and Alex help Eric into the wheelchair" Aunt Evie said

"Aunt Evie let me try on my own first" I said

"No way Eric. I am not gonna get yelled at by the doctor" Arthur said

"Fine. But since this may be a permanent injury please let me learn to do things on my own at least" I said to them

"I can deal with that" Carley said smiling then blew a kiss to me

I smile because she did that. It made my heart flutter

Arthur and Alex help me get up out of bed. They helped me sit up, then Arthur goes on one side and Alex goes on the other side. They lifted me off the bed together and set me on to the wheelchair. The wheelchair is stable. Carley put the brakes on before I got in.

"Alright Eric this is very easy. To go forward you roll forward to go back you roll back" The nurse said

"How about if I want to turn?" I asked

"If you want to go right then turn the wheel to the right if you want to go left then turn the wheel to the left" She said

"Thank you" I said

"Alright mom want to sign your kid out?" She asked my mom

"Yep. I will be right back Eric. Carley watch the three of them please I trust you" My mom said then followed the nurse out

"What does she think we will do?" Alex said with a chuckle

"I don't know. We are in the hospital though. We are gonna be respectful" I said in the wheelchair. I moved around

"Whoah watch it Eric. You almost run over my foot!" Arthur said

"Then get out of the way" I said moving again

"You get out of the way" He said hitting me on the shoulder

"This is why your mom told me to watch you three. Do you get it now?" Carley asked

"I do" Alex said nodding

"I don't" Arthur said

"Idiot" I said with a chuckle

"You know if you weren't in a wheelchair I would totally bodyslam you right now" Arthur said with a glare

"Haha yeah right" I said laughing

"Alright who's ready to leave?" My mom asked coming back in

"Yes please" I said

"I'll guide you" Carley said going behind me and started to push

"Again didn't I say I needed to be able to do this myself" I asked my girlfriend

"You did but you also said if its permanent. Just let me help you this one time" She said with a smile

"Oh you smart girl" I said chuckling

"Yep I am. Now lets go babe" She said pushing me out of the hospital room and into the elevator

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Where stories live. Discover now