Eric's 28th Birthday (Edited)

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(Carley's POV)

So today is Eric's birthday. He is 28 years old. And his birthday this year is actually on the weekend. Well its on Sunday. But it is still the weekend. So I was thinking of taking the family out for breakfast. I didn't run it by Eric but I mean I'm trying to surprised him.

I got out of bed around 9:30 in the morning. Once I was out of bed I went and got EJ, Emma, Skylar and Noah ready before waking up the birthday boy. Once I got all four kids ready to go to breakfast. EJ ran into Eric and Is room and woke him up

"Happy Birthday daddy!" EJ said jumping on the bed

"Huh?" Eric asked opening his eyes. He smiles when he sees all of us in the room. "Is this my birthday surprise?" He asked

"Nope. We are going out to breakfast" I said to him

"Car we don't have to do that" He said to me

"I know but it's your birthday" I said

"How did you get all of them ready?" He asked impressed

"Well EJ was the hardest one to get up. So I woke him up last" I said

"EJ why do you give your mother trouble?" Eric said taking EJ into his arms and tickling him

"Daddy stop!" He said while laughing because he's being tickled

"Never!" Eric said and continued

"Ok Eric I think that's enough" I said after seeing how red EJs cheeks were

"Ok fine" Eric said and let EJ go. EJ caught his breathe after Eric let him go.

"Dada!" Sky said reaching for Eric

"Sky it's dada's birthday" I said to my daughter

"H-Happy" She looks at Eric then hugs him. That warmed my heart.

"Now let's let daddy get changed" I said to EJ and Sky.

I took the 4 kids out. Well EJ actually took Sky with him. He is the sweetest brother

(Eric's POV)

While Carley and our kids left me to get changed. I quickly put on some pants, a shirt and socks. I wear underwear to sleep so I didn't have to do that. Unless I take a shower. But i didn't because I didn't want to make my family wait. I really love all of them very much.

Once I was done getting ready, I walked downstairs to see my wife and kids. I smile at them. My wife faced me.

"You ready to go to breakfast, birthday boy?" My wife asked

"Yeah I am" I said smiling

"Well, let's go" She said. She took Emma and EJ while I took Sky and Noah

We put all of them into the minivan. Yes we have a minivan. Since we have 4 kids it just made sense. We got a red car. Which I love. Red is my favorite color

Carley has her car too. It's a 5 seater car. So if it is just 5 of us we take that car. But we mostly take the minivan since there's 6 of us.

Once I drove us to a diner near our house. I helped the kids out of the car. We all walked in. Well Carley carried Noah. I held Sky and Emma's hand. They keep on getting better at walking even though they are almost 3 years old. It's good. Then EJ is holding Carley's hand because he is still young

Once we got seated I put Noah into a baby chair while Emma and Sky are next to Carley. EJ is on my side.

"Hi I am Maddie what can I start you out with?" She asked

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