Surprise! (Edited)

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(Eric's POV)

I woke up this morning with the sound of throwing up. So I go into my bathroom and saw Carley throwing up. I go over and pull her hair away from her face.

"Are you ok?" I asked as she continues to throw up. It happens for another 10 minutes. She wipes her mouth. "Carley, what happened?" I asked her

"I have no idea" She said as she went over to the sink. She started to wash her mouth out with mouthwash. "I'm gonna call my doctor and see if they can take me today for an appointment" She said

"Do you want me to go with you?" I asked her

"No.....No I will be fine by myself" She said after spitting out the mouthwash

"Well, will you at least tell me what the doctor says is wrong with you?" I asked her

She smiles and touches my cheek. "Of course. You will be the first to know" She said. Then leaned and kissed my cheek

"I love you" i said as she walked out

She looks back. "I love you too" She said then walked out of the bedroom.

(Carley's POV)

After leaving Eric's bedroom I went down to the kitchen to call my doctor. Yes it is a real doctor not a pediatrician. They said they can see me as soon as 30 minutes from now. So I head out to my car and drove to the doctors office.

Once I walked into the building of the doctors office I signed in. Then I sat down in the waiting room since my doctor didn't call me back yet.

As I was waiting Ellie texted asking where i was. So I told her to call me so I could explain

My phone started to ring and I saw it was Ellie calling. So I answered it

"Hey Ell" I said

"Hey. Where are you?" She asked

"At the doctors. Is something wrong?" I asked on the phone

"No. But I saw Eric without you. So I was wondering where you went" She said

"Well like I said I'm at the doctors" I said

"Eric said you were throwing up this morning. Do you think you may be pregnant?" She asked on the phone

"Ellie!" I yelled/whispered. "Is Eric right next to you?" I asked scared

"No. Arthur, Alex, James and Eric all went downstairs to play at the arcade" She said

"And where are you currently?" I asked her

"In the kitchen. No one is with me" She said

"Ok well then we can talk about that" I said to her. I sighed. "Ellie what if I am pregnant? What am I going to do?" I asked her on the phone.

"Well good news you're a semester away from being done school" She said

"Not helping Ell" I said annoyed

"Ok well if you are pregnant I know Eric will help take great care of the kid" She said

"I mean I know that but what if he doesn't want kids yet?" I asked scared

"Well maybe he shouldn't have cum in you then" She said joking

"Ellie this is no time to joke" I said

"Right....Sorry" She said sighing

"Carley Levi?" A nurse said

"I got to go Ell call you after" I said

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Where stories live. Discover now