Prom (Edited)

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(Carley's POV)

So during our senior trip Carley and I had a fight but we did make up. So tonight is prom. But sadly we still had to go to school. But luckily the seniors get to leave early for prom. Which is very nice.

I am currently at school. And it was the last period before going home early.

After the last period I go into my car and drove to the hair salon. Once I get there I checked in.

"Carley?" My hair person said. I stood up. "Come on back" She said.

I followed her to the back with the hair styling and stuff.

"So how are you doing Carley?" Avery asked me.

"Good. It's going good. I mean my boyfriend and I are going to prom tonight" I said.

"Your boyfriend is Eric Wilson right?" She asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"How is he gonna dance?" She asked.

"He can move his upper body just his lower is paralyzed" I said.

"Ok" She said.

"But we have been good. I mean we have been together for about 7 months. So yeah that is crazy to think about" I said with a laugh.

"Are you ready to graduate?" She asked me as she washes my hair.

"Oh yeah definitely. The problem is that I may be away from Eric" I said.

"Why? Are you guys not going to the same college?" She asked as she scrubbed my hair

" we aren't. I mean we were and then his accident happen. Now he's probably just gonna work" I said a little upset.

"So you're leaving and he's staying?" She asked me.

"Yeah sadly" I said upset. "Can we talk about something else?" I asked her.

"Sure.....Sure. So what do you want to do with your hair?" She asked wetting the shampoo out of my hair. Then she moved me up and dried my hair with a towel to get most of extra water out.

"Can you do the classic half up and half down? With a little curly?" I asked nicely.

"Sure" She said smiling at me.

"Also I wanna have my makeup done. Can you do that?" I asked her.

"Yes i can. We will do it after the hair though" She said

"Ok" I said

"Come with me" She said and started to walk away

I go follow her. Once she points to the chair i sat on it and she moved me around.

After doing both the hair and makeup I was finally done after two hours. My hair and makeup looked really good. Now its 2:30 and pictures are gonna be at 6/6:30. And a lot of people are gonna be at Arthur and Alex's place. Just so it's easier for Eric.

I go home and watch some tv. Ellie comes in. "Hey" She said

"Hey" I said

"Wanna do our dresses?" She asked

"Not yet. Maybe at 4" I said

"Ok" She said

Then the time went by and it was 4. So Ellie comes back in and helps me with my dress and I help her with her dress. Then we saw each other face and face.

"Wow!" We both said. "You look fantastic!" We both said again. Then we laughed and hugged

"Ok we should head to their house. Arthur said he's ready i don't know about Eric" She said

Summer Love That Blossomed into True Love (Book 1) (Edited and Completed)Where stories live. Discover now