Chapter 2 - Roni's DITL

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A few weeks later, and Roni was all better. She woke up, and Laura came, and took her potty. Then Laura bathed Roni, and got her dressed in a Black widow t-shirt with Jeans. Downstairs she ate Breakfast with Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel. After breakfast she went to brush her teeth, while Laura got her schooling ready. Downstairs Laura sat Roni down at the table to do school. This is Roni's typical school day routine, since she's 4, and in preschool, she does 2 subjects, break, 2 subjects, done. She starts with Language arts, and social studies, then she takes a 5 minute break, and finishes with math, and science. After school Laura puts her down for a nap, and while she's sleeping prepares lunch. When Roni wakes up, she, and Laura eat lunch. After lunch Roni has free play, until Nathaniel gets home, when Nathaniel gets home, Laura has them go potty, and then they get into the car to get Cooper, and Lila. At the school, Roni told Laura, "mommy I need to go potty."
Laura took her into the school, and took her potty. Then she took her to collect Cooper, then they went back to the car, and drove to get Lila. When Roni saw Lila, she started getting super excited. Laura told her to calm down, and she did but was talking the whole way home. At home Cooper, and Lila went upstairs to do homework, and Laura sat Nathaniel down to do his homework. Roni went to see Clint who was out back with the team, Clint saw her come out, and picked her up. Then Roni said, "daddy can I show them my new bike?" Clint answered, "yes you can," then he went to the shed to get her bike out. After the team saw it, Clint put it back, Roni saw the practice bow. "Daddy can I shoot an arrow," Clint got the bow, and a arrow, standing behind her, and guiding her she hit the target. Then Laura called that dinner was ready, but Roni dug her heels in, "NO." Clint sent the others inside, "Veronica, it is time to eat if you don't listen then daddy will put you in the corner." Roni still dug her heels in, so Clint picked her up, carried hr inside the house, and put her in the corner. "Veronica, you are in timeout for not listening to mommy, and daddy." Roni pouted, but Clint left her there, and after 4 minutes, he let her out. Then she ate, and then Laura took her upstairs to get her ready for bed. Then it started thunderstorming out, and Roni begged Clint to stay up. "If theres really loud thunder, or if your still awake in 5 minutes then you may stay up," Roni went to bed, and soon after, BOOM! Roni screamed, and ran downstairs to Clint who picked her up. "'s okay Roni.......I know that was loud," Clint soothed her. She softly cried into his chest, and he rubbed her back. Then Nathaniel comes down, "Daddy I can't sleep," "me neither," Clint hears a voice, and 2 sets of footsteps, "Alright, come here, you all may stay up until the storm passes." The kids gathered around Clint, and Laura, Roni had gone to Nat, who was rubbing her back. The storm lasted 15 minutes, and Clint sent all the kids to bed, as soon as Roni hit the pillow she was out. The next morning Roni woke up, and went downstairs, Nat was awake, with Steve, and Bruce. When she saw Roni, "good morning princess, how was your sleep?" "Good," Roni replied, "I went to bed late," Nat smiled, and chuckled, "Yes you did."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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