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Since October 6th is Kyoko's birthday I decided to do something random and I couldn't do it in the actual book as a chapter since it's a different timeline I can write it here as a little Au with the same characters because I have no other ones 🤷‍♂️ I honestly didn't plan this and I'm writing this October 5th 2:16 pm so hopefully future me will get this out in time before the end of October 6th

Y/n's Pov

I woke up with Kyoko gone already, it was a perfect time to go and shop for a few things. Before I left I made my bed and set up a comfortable space for me and Kyoko when she comes back I then got dressed and left to the shops to get a personalized cake for her because I didn't know Kyoko's favorite type of cake I decided to get her a red velvet cake with a simple cake frosting and I had them write her name with a light purple frosting along with a heart.

I picked up a cherry blossom bouquet and a blueberry perfume before I left. When I went to pay she sent me a message saying she'd be back early , I didn't ask where she had gone but I suspect she left to do some investigation not that I had a problem with it. After I paid I went back to the academy, when I arrived Jin was pacing back and forth Inside waiting for me

"What are you doing Jin?" - Y/n

"Ah, Y/n, I've been waiting for you for a whole hour!" - Jin

"Did you need something? You look really nervous" - Y/n

"You remember today is Kyoko's birthday right?" - Jin

"Of course I did, how would I forget.... Did you?" - Y/n

"Ah, no I got her a gift and I didn't know if you knew it was her birthday so I went ahead and got this necklace you could give her" - Jin

I thanked Jin and while I struggled to get the necklace while balancing the cake and rose along with the perfume in one hand I managed to grab the box I left to the dining hall to put Kyoko's cake away and on my way there it grabbed the attention of Kokichi due to the color scheme

"Who's that cake for Y/n?" - Kokichi

"For kyoko, it's spelt right on it dumbass" - Y/n

"You wanna gift me some... I'm sure she wont notice" - Kokichi

"Maybe if we don't finish it you can have the rest but if we do which I doubt we will I'll give you something for your evil plans deal?" - Y/n

"And what might it be... I need a lot of things as a supreme leader!" - Kokichi

"I'll see what I can get you. Just don't touch the cake" - Y/n

"I won't make a promise but I'll keep myself away." - Kokichi

"Cmon man, I'm planning to take her out and then eat that cake with her." - Y/n

Instead of promising to keep away he left when I started talking so I hid it behind everything I then returned to my dorm room where I set everything down, I got dressed in a suit (you can just chose you're own if you search up the guys name) Kyoko walked in as soon as I laid down. But she stopped when she saw the scenery

"...Y/n, what's all this?" - Kyoko

"It's for your birthday, get ready we're going out and I got you a cake!" - Y/n

"You want me to get ready right now?" - Kyoko

"Here, take these flowers I got you these earlier today" - Y/n

She accepted the flowers with a smile and let them down on her side of the bed and left to get ready for a detective it took her a long time... she took an hour and a half to get ready and I began to play games which for some reason took kyoko by surprise but other than that she looked beautiful in that purple dress she put on

"I'm ready"
"You actually play video games?" - Kyoko

"Of course I do that's how I got my ultimate. Why else would I be here?"
"Don't answer that doesn't matter let's go" - Y/n

"Wait- who's taking care of Azula?" - Kyoko

"Shuichi... I already gave him to Shuichi" - Y/n

"Are you driving us there?" - Kyoko

"Yeah, why? I'm old enough to drive" - Y/n

"Alright good enough let's go" - Kyoko

I've never told kyoko what kind of car I had I bought it when I was 15 so I was driving underage without my dad knowing after we walked into student parking which surprisingly most students don't have a car but she stopped to look at it before getting in we drove while talking about work things before we arrived I got a message from Maki asking if I got a cake for kyoko when I parked the car I responded with "yeah, why?" And I was sent a picture of Kokichi passed out with half of the cake eaten, I quickly told her to ask Kirumi to make a cake (please) and I went inside while kyoko was waiting for me.

I'm really lazy to write the whole dinner conversation because I'm supposed to be studying

After we arrived I was praying in my head someone had a cake ready luckily Maki had Kokichi help Kirumi and kept him supervised and to be honest it was a lot better than the last one. Kyoko was in the dorm, when I arrived I saw she had put the roses I got her in a vase and set up my Nintendo switch to the tv. like last time before things got serious.... I sat next to her taking off the suit's jacket before I grabbed the controller and made a Mario world with her. We played for a bit before she became frustrated with not being able to stay alive for more than a few seconds on certain worlds. At this time to keep her calm I gave her the gifts I had bought her along with the necklace Jin gave me turns out she was happy with the gifts, turns out Jin got a matching necklace that connects when they're put together.

I put on of the sides on kyoko and she put the other on me. Someone had knocked on the door, it turned to be Kirumi with two slices of the cake she had made. I took them and thanked her while giving one of the plates to kyoko. She set hers down and I sat next to her. With azula in her lap. She stayed quiet before putting Azula on the end of the bed. I stared at her before taking a bite of the cake when she came up to me and got on her knees... Me being confused I looked down still chewing before she looked right at my crotch area and looked back at me.

you had a fun night...
Poor Azula just laying on the bed while Y/n is getting gawk and then he starts to hear those noises.

I'm not good at this. Send help

at least I finished before the end of her birthday🤷‍♂️

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