Lightning Writing 2 Part 1 'The Cat'

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So there are two parts to this lightning writing. The second part will be the next chapter. Well, by chapter I mean next page. Oh, and also, I know what you are most likely thinking, by the way. This: oH, sToRy WriTer, WhY caN't bOth Of ThE pArtS be oN tHis paGe? Because, quite frankly, it would be too long. (Not to mention I wouldn't get as many reads)

Also sorry. I'm sure you don't speak like that. Anyway, I'll shut up now.  On with the story. I call it 'The Cat.'

"Aarggh!" I scream. Not one, but TWO kittens are flying towards my face. I have never seen my life flash before my eyes because of a kitten, but here I was, standing there, squeezing my eyes tight.

My Dad,Mum and Granny whom I will never see again. Me learning to swim. Me...


My thoughts are interrupted by a deadly kitten, whose sharp claws are clinging painfully to my face. Me-Ow the kitten manages to reach my face, but her sister doesn't. She drops to the ground and scratches at my leg. I shake Me-Ow's sister off. You can tell Me-Ow is a scary kitten just by her name. Me-OW. Ow is in her name, and it is how she makes people feel. I swing my hands at her and she drops on her back to the ground. Ha. Cats don't ALWAYS land on their feet. Me-Ow whimpers and her sister comes towards me, slowly. She pounces, and I do a forward roll to get out of her way. I run inside and shut the door, my heart pounding. And then I realize something horrible. We have a cat door!

THE END (of part 1)

P.S: Okay, maybe I should have put the second part on this page as well. It's quite short. Eh, hope you enjoyed it. On to the next story. 

Oh, and the stories will be getting better as they go on. My best story (in my opinion, you people can comment on what YOU think) will be on the last section.

Also please, vote. It means a LOT. (It actually doesn't really, but pretend it does and still vote. Pretend I will die if you don't vote.)

Jk do what you want. 

O.K, I get it. Too much talking. Actually on to the next story. 

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