Lightning Writing (what are we up to, 3?)

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So, yet another lightning writing to bore you. This one is unfinished though. Who knows? Maybe I'll finish it one day and publish it here. It has the potential to be an okay story. (sort of)

Also, I am pasting these from google docs, from when I worked on them at school. 

Here we go...

Just as the sun started to set, Cole set off to ride his bike into the night. He called out 'Goodbye!' to his parents, and told them he would see them soon. But what he did not know is that he might not be back for a while...

Cole felt the wind against his face and smiled. This was his favorite part of the day, just cruising along on his bike. Something just made him feel connected to it, like seeing everything in a blur, speeding past. He usually went in the morning, but was so busy with chores and homework that he couldn't manage to fit it in. "Hey, watch where you're going, for Christ's sake!" A grumpy old man said, as Cole sped past. He snapped out of his thoughts and paid attention to the path. But he really must have been sidetracked, as he had no idea where this neighborhood was in the city. He turned around, in hopes to find his way back on the original path he came from, but that was useless also. He turned around once again and screamed.

In front of him was a stranger with a pale face, and bulging muscles. (Just cutting in here, why did I say bulging muscles? Anyway, I will keep it as I am not allowed to edit any of the stories) But what scared Cole the most was the fact that he had no eyes. Where the eyes were supposed to be, there were just holes. "Who-who are you?" Cole stuttered to the strange man. He didn't answer. Instead, he placed his hand on Cole's arm, and Cole noticed that his hand was deathly cold. Cole froze in fear. Cole shut his eyes tight, but when he opened them, the man was gone, in his place was a scaly creature of some sort, almost like a lizard, or a Komodo dragon. But that was the last thing he saw before he felt a sharp pain in his side, and everything faded to a deep black. 

So yeah, that's my unfinished lightning writing. 

My goal is to do a little less rambling, and a little more story-telling. 

P.S: See how the stories are getting slightly better?

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