The Waka and Me

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You have made it this far. This is the last piece of writing I am going to publish for now. I hope you enjoyed all the other stories.  The story you are about to hear is the last and best story in my opinion. I call it 'The Waka and Me'.  (Just to piss you off, this one is also unfinished 🤣) Here you go...

There we were, in the dense, Mangrove swamp paddling for our lives. I saw the crocodile rise up from the water, still hungry for fresh meat, in this dark, starless night. "Land!" Emily yelled, and she was indeed right. Through the fog, to the left of us in the distance, we could just make out sight of the mangrove forest. We stopped and turned the waka towards it, but not before one of our paddles was dinner.

"Aaagh!" Alex screamed in terror and dropped it into the thick, brown water, where it floated away to the croc, who bit it right in two just to taunt us, or possibly to show us that the same thing could happen to us.

We never thought this is how the day would go when me, Emily, Alex, and Dad set off on the waka this morning. We thought it would be a nice, peaceful ride through calm waters, but so far, it was the complete opposite. Despite only having a single paddle, we needed to use it somehow to get to the land. The crocodile swung its tail into the waka, which toppled upside down. I yelped as we all fell into the muddy swamp water. I sucked in the salty water. "Don't panic!" Dad yelled to each of us. He says stupid stuff like that all the time. "Dad!" I yelled as I saw the crocodile approach Alex, who had passed out, and was now lying face down into the water.

"Thank goodness for those survival handbooks..." Emily muttered. Emily is 15, and all she had been doing these past weeks were reading, reading, reading. She pulled her fist back and let fly, knocking the crocodile right on the snout. The crocodile growled and backed away from us . We cheered as it swam away, disappearing back where it belonged. But everything wasn't all sorted out. Alex was still lying face down in the water, and he could drown if he stayed that way for much longer. "Alex!" Dad yelled and swam over to him and scooped him up. "We'll swim to the land!" Dad said.

"Um... I'm not sure that will be a good idea..."

I say and look up at the darkening sky.

Thunder rumbled as I dived under the water to swim towards the land. Now, Dad was swimming the slowest as he was carrying pretty much double his body weight. I tried to swim forward, but rogue waves pulled me back and I went under. I yelped in pain as my whole body hit the slimy, sharp rocks deep below the water. Despite the agonizing pain zooming throughout my body, I tried to pull myself up, fighting for my life. I had just swam up and took a short breath before being dunked under again. My phone crackled in my pocket, before going completely silent. I tried to get above once again, but the same thing happened. After a while I was too short of breath.

I gave up.

And everything went black.

The first thing I noticed when I came to was the short shadow figure, standing in the white, bright light that I was submerged in. It stepped forward. I wanted to move, I wanted to run, but I couldn't. I was frozen, stuck there. The figure took a second step forward, and a sudden smile swept over my face. "Is that really you?" I say to the figure. "Yes." A warm soothing voice replies.

"M-" I say before being cut off with a sudden jolt. I opened to be greeted with my sister's face.

"E-emily?" I say.

Suddenly everything that happened fades away. The shadow figure, the lit room, it is all gone from my mind and replaced by different thoughts. Like the waves. The same waves that pushed me under, drowned me in that sea of sorrow. "He's back!" Emily yells to Dad, who was warming his hands by the fire.

"How long was I out for?" I question.

"Just enough time for us to get to land, and make a fire." Alex says, pushing his water-soaked glasses over his nose. "Everyone just needs to dry themselves."

I look up at the sky to see the sun coming out. "Hey, this is sorta cool!" Dad starts. "It's like being in a cast away story!"

"You're saying that as if being stranded on a small swampy island with no food is going to be fun." Emily says. 

So there it is. My last, very unfinished story, the Waka and Me. Please vote and follow if you don't mind. I have enjoyed writing this, and I hope you have enjoyed reading it. Like I said before, if you really want to come up with an ending to any of these stories, than go ahead. As well as the murder mystery book, I might write about my dreams. If you want to read about those, then comment, follow, and vote. 


P.S Okay I am editing now because I said 'I might write about my dreams' which kinda sounds like 'I'm going to write about my goals in life!' but no. I am literally writing about my dreams. You know, the ones you get when you sleep??? Anyway, bye now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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