Part2: Old school Cartoons...

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Back to the story, Nick and Beyoncé were then poofed to a new place, separated from the rest of the group.

"Aw hell. Where are we?" Asked Beyoncé, looking over the eerie scenery.

" look a cartoon," said Nicki, beginning to look herself over.

"Yeah, like those old Scooby doo shows," Bey answered, and the  theme song began to play.

"Yes!! I love this show. This I can get used to," Nicki said. Soon they found themselves in a cemetery, and it was pretty foggy.

"ok...I'm scared now," Nicki held Bey's hand and they walked to try and find their way out. They searched until they heard a creaky laugh that echoed throughout the grounds.

"W-wh-what was t-th-that?" Bey asked with a shiver.

"I-I don't know," Something was silently creeping up behind them, and he laughed, and had heavy throated breathing. They slowly turned around, and their hair stood, like literally like in the show...stood on end. They screamed and ran as fast as they could, with the ghost chasing them everywhere!!


"SAME!!!" They kept going until they bumped into Shaggy and Scooby, who were running too.

"Zoinks!! Like it's the ghost of Barnabe mansion!!" Scooby jumped into his arms and they both whimpered.

"No we're not!! We're running from it," NIcki panted as she stood up. They looked around and saw that it had disappeared.

"It's gone," Said Beyoncé.

"Well like, what are you doing here?"

"We just got ourselves lost, we have no idea how to get out of here,"

"Do you?"

"Like no," They slumped their shoulders, and sighed.. This was going to be a long night.


Meanwhile, Iggy, Kim, and Taylor were in a different kind of situation, where they were hanging over a boiling pot of lava for some strange reason, tied to gether, back to back.

"Are you fucking serious?" Iggy grumbled as she struggled to get loose.

"Now where are we?"

"Mmmmuhmm," Kim mumbled, she on the other hand had a white cloth tied over her nose and mouth.

"How the hell are you not able to talk...and why do we all look like 80's cartoons?" Taylor asked looking around.

"The real question is how the hell do we get out of this mess with out being burned alive?" Thye looked down at the lava and screamed, struggling as hard as they all could.

"Kim! Your ass is too got damn big!! It's crushing me!!"

"Mmmmhuhmmm!!" she retorted.

"What the hell did she say?"

"I don't know. I can't understand her," Taylor answered.

"Well...there's one thing I do know"


"Hmm?" asked Kim

"We are being lowered into lava... if I think it is...then we all better start screaming!!"

"HELP!!" They all called, trying to get someone's attention.

"We are so screwed," Taylor said.

~Back with Bey and Nicki~

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