Chapter 4

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Charlie's P.O.V

I couldn't actually believe I was moving to Oregon. I mean technically I was already in Oregon, but I mean next to the girl of my dreams. I loved just sitting by her, secretly I don't want to leave her alone at all. I know that might sound kind of stalker-ish, but you'd understand if you left you're childhood crush one day and when you got home you found out you were moving to France. Which is literally all the way around the world, and after you found out, you couldn't see her until you face-timed each other 4 years later when you were 11. Now after all that waiting, when I recently turned 16 on October 28th, only a few days before Nicole's which is November 4th, you could finally see her again. Now, today Nicole, one of her friends named Kimmy or something like that, and I were going to the carnival, or fair whatever you call it. As I was waiting down stairs, I was starting to get nervous, dang why was I so overprotective! I had been waiting 10 minutes, so I decided to see what was going on. As I walked up the never-ending stair case I heard something heavy fall down, I quickened my pace. I was practically flying up the stairs, I slammed open the door and Nicole turned around with a surprised look on her face. Which she quickly put a fake smile over, she looked so beautiful I thought. As I felt myself start to daydream, I realized that I was subconsciously checking her out. I saw her look back at the piece of paper in her hands and blush. I mentally slapped myself, and thought stay focused!

"What are those?" I asked, my voice cracking as I spoke. I cursed in my mind, and felt myself blush.

"Oh, just some pictures of my parents before-you know." I gave her a sad smile.

"Let me take a look." I said, as I reached out my hand to grab them, but she quickly put them away in to a medium sized box, which is what I must of heard fall.

"Nothing to see, it brings back too many memories." She replied sadly, as she gave me a pouting look. For a minute I believed her, but then I looked into her deep brown eyes that held so much pain and happiness-wait that doesn't make sense. Dang, I get lost in those eyes now back to the real world. I could see everything in her eyes. There was something she wasn't telling me, but I would find out soon enough.

"There's something you're not telling me, and you know what that means!" She knew instantly, because We would do this to each other when we were 6. I would tickle her. Right then she smiled so big it reached her eyes.

"No!" She yelled

"I'm going to wait down stairs, you two take your time." Kimberly said awkwardly. I didn't even notice her there, whoops. Nicole was already backing away, but she doesn't know how fast I've gotten. I took a few strides and started to tickle her. She fell to the floor laughing, I couldn't help myself from beaming at her. How could somebody with so much pain, be so happy? Both of our dads have left us, yet she is filled with joy, while deep down I am still grieving.

"Stop, I can't breath!" She yelled while still laughing. I was still standing up when she pulled me down. Her face was between my hands, and our faces were so close I could feel her warm minty breath on my lips. She looked down to my lips, and I couldn't help looking at her lips. Before I knew it I was drawing my face closer. Her lips were millimeters away from mine. My body was tingling, I watched as she closed her long eye lashes. I closed my eyes too. I drew even closer when the doorbell rang. We ignored it but somebody kept ringing it over and over again. I groaned, and got up, Nicole wasn't far behind as we ran to open the door. Nicole unlocked it and opened it, a tall figure probably a sophomore like us. I'm guessing he plays basketball, and has one of those jock hair styles where it's comes at the front. He turned around.

"Spencer!" Nicole screamed as he hugged her.

"Hey, Angel." He gave me one of those glares that says I've been working to hard to give her up, so back off glares. How I could I read that? Maybe watching all those soap operas my mom had on t.v while I cleaned the house.
They must have moved back from France after they got divorced. One thing I knew was, that was Spencer--my brother who stayed with my father. And he was going to take Nicole, the love of my life away from me.

A/N: Thank you so much to the people who read my story. I work so hard on them, even though there are a few grammar errors. Comment if you like the plot twists, or love triangles. Thanks to you Wattpad addicts, if you're not one, then you aren't human or you're not going on Wattpad enough! ;)
P.S: The turquoise dress in the picture is the one Nicole is wearing.

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