Chapter 12-What Is It With These Two?

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We are at a nice Italian restaurant, there is incents burning somewhere and it smells like roses. I am here with someone, but I can't see who it is. We are lead to a booth with only a small candle for light, and as we sit down I can see that I am with Spencer. I sit there for a while just taking in the scenery. A few feet away there is a small quintet that consists of a piano, flute, cello, viola, and violin. And you would never guess who was playing that violin, it was the magnificent Kimberly herself. I catch Kimberly's eye and we smile at each other, and she gives me a look that says 'Go get him'. And I almost burst out laughing when I realize that Spencer was talking to me.

"Sorry what did you say." I give him a small embarrassed smile.

"I asked what are you gonna order, I was thinking we could share a large dish of spaghetti and meatballs. If you want to." He says to me and I can tell that he is hoping I say yes, so being the hopeless romantic I was I said yes.

We talked until the food came out, and when we had nothing to talk about he would rub his fingers over my knuckles as we would listen to the solo that Kimberly was playing. It was a beautiful type of melancholy, it reminded me of my father. But that only reminded me that some how my father could still be alive, but if he were wouldn't he come and find us? Eventually the spaghetti came out and the bowl was just big enough for two people to eat. We were eating the pasta and just smiling each other and just like in Lady And The Tramp, which we had all watched a lot when we were little in the Disney marathons that we would watch every month or so. Spencer just looked at me and I rolled my eyes, we were both gripping one end of the long string of pasta with our teeth.


I started to eat my side and Spencer followed my act, and we were crossing the table. Eventually I could feel Spencer's breath and our lips met, I heard clapping all around us and when I opened my eyes again we were in a glass house, sunlight was beaming through all the windows and there was white everywhere. White roses, white banners, and as I look down my dress was as white as snow. It has pearls attached to the white waves of silk, and it cascaded down into an ocean of white. I had a veil to match also, that for some reason I hadn't noticed before. The best part though, the part that it showed that it was all a dream was my father looping my arm into his.

"Daddy?" I said to him, I could feel my eyes water he looked exactly the same as the day he left. His black hair slicked back and his mustache was groomed to perfection, I remember when I was younger he would spend so much time making sure nothing was stuck in there and so it was as shiny as the sun.

"Hi Princess, I know that I haven't been around for a long time, but I would never, ever miss your special day." He coos into my ear and we start walking down the aisle while the music plays.

"What do you mean you haven't been around for a long time, aren't you---gone." I ask him, but before he can answer he puts my hand into somebody with a tux. I look over and see that my mom is in the crowd holding a little baby boy and girl and sitting by another boy who looks about 14, my dad takes his seat next to them and pats the older boy on the back. I realize that the boy looks like my father with his black slicked back hair and dark brown eyes that look like a solid black. I stare at them for a while when I realize that I am holding someone's hand, and I turn to look at him. And for the second time, it was Spencer, he was smiling down at me and I smiled back at him. The priest read from the book, but I couldn't get the confused look off of my face, even when I saw Kimberly standing up there next to me as the maid of honor.

"What is it Baby?" He asks me, and I sigh.

"Who are those people with my parents, and I thought my father died. And also why are we getting married when we are only 16?" I said, I was rambling but I needed to know.

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