Chapter 6

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April 12, Going to the Carnival

Kimberly P.O.V


There we were, driving down the highway with the wind blowing through our hair. We had Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars blasting as loud as we could and everyone was having fun just driving there. I could already tell this was going to be a good day, the only thing that was worrying me was that Nicole told me that Charlie and Spencer hate each other. Which I can't imagine why anybody would hate Spencer he doesn't look bad at all. Anyway, since they hate each other Charlie is driving the 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California with Nicole sitting next to him. While I am forced to sit in the back with my new found crush, with the butterflies in my stomach taking up the little room we have left in the back. It took an hour just to get there, then we had to wait another 30 minutes to get our passes. We got into the Carnival at around 1:32 P.M and then Charlie decides to split up in pairs(god, I hate him). And you'd never guess who he decides to pick, Nicole. It's not that I hate Nicole, she's my best friend, but it's just that I don't want her to ditch me for Charlie. When he says her name I roll my eyes, but what catches me off guard is that both Charlie and Spencer said her name at the same time. Is it just me or are all the boys in the world falling in love with her? I look at Spencer with a look that says "really ?" But he doesn't seem to notice because he is gazing at Nicole worried/dumbfounded look. Then my best friend/boy magnet finally speaks up after a long time of awkward silence and says,

"Why don't we just switch off between partners. So me and Charlie split up first, then me and Kimberly, and finally me and Spencer. Does everyone agree with that?" Everybody nods their heads and murmurs a sure or yeah. So I am firstly paired up with Spencer. Well, this is gonna be interesting.


Charlie P.O.V

When we first got into the carnival, I had the brilliant, and don't worry I don't use brilliant a lot because it sounds like I am a nerd. But, anyway I had the brilliant idea of having partners. Most people said yes, well actually everybody said yes because Kimberly does not count because she is not human, she is an alien. After we all said yes I called out who I wanted to be my partner, and it was obviously Nicole. But, I forgot that my lovesick brother that could have any girl, even the alien that was standing to my left if she even was a girl, had to like the love of my life. We ended up both calling her name out at the same time, I saw Kimberly roll her eyes from the corner of my eyes(I feel ya sista, how do you like my diva impression?). My hands were in my pockets, and secretly I flipped of Spencer, but Spencer's hands were in his pockets too and I could see him flipping me off too. Then Nicole suggested,

"Why don't we just switch off between partners. So me and Charlie split up first, then me and Kimberly, and finally me and Spencer. Does everyone agree with that?" I thought that was a good idea until we would have to switch. So off we went to the first ride, the biggest roller coaster there that has at least ten loops called The Inferno. To admit it I was kind of scared, then on the drops I was screaming like a little girl and I leaned close to Nicole and wrapped my arm around her. I was probably choking her to death slowly, but she didn't say anything, well anything that I could hear over my screaming.


By the time an hour had passed we had went on at least 12 rides and now it was time to switch(which I was dreading because I had to pair up with my brother, who was like the devil, but worse, Satan.


Nicole P.O.V

I couldn't stop the butterflies from flying around when Charlie wrapped his arm around me, but that was quickly ruined when Charlie started screaming into my ear like a he was giving birth. But I couldn't stop myself from laughing my head off as he screamed louder on the loops, and as people in front and behind us gave him dirty looks. After an hour had passed by we switched partners and now I was with Kimberly. I could tell something was wrong, but every time I asked she pointed at another ride and ran to get in line. We were so much fun as we laughed and screamed(but not as loud as Charlie, he gets that award)as we went in loops or down hills. It was about 47 minutes later when I asked Kimberly again what was wrong, right away she tensed up and said nothing was wrong. But this time I wasn't gonna quit, so I grabbed her arm and spun her around and asked her again.

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