Chapter 10- What Happened To You Captain Jack Sparrow?

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The Next Morning- 11:00 A.M. Sharp

Nicole's P.O.V

"Wake up the bus is about to leave with out us!" I hear somebody say rushed. I open my eyes and see Lady Gaga who is waking me up. I start laughing hysterically with my eyes shut tight, and the next time I open my eyes I realize that it was definitely not lady Gaga. It was actually Spencer, so I sat straight up and Spencer drags me by my arm to the bus. We get into the closest open seat that we could find and sat down. This was going to be a long ride.


I didn't know how much time passed by because I fell asleep right when I sat down. The next thing I knew was Spencer carrying me off the bus bridal style, and as soon as we got off I jumped out of his arms and onto the ground.

"Somebody is a 'little' sleepy." Spencer said making quotations with his fingers as he said little. All I wanted to do was get home, so I walked over to the closest Building, and thank god I actually got Wi-Fi. Thank you Lord Jesus, Hallelujah! I scrolled down my contacts list and swallowed up my pride while I pressed the call button. Spencer just sat against the building and watched me as I was on the phone. It started making the buzzing noise that I was so familiar with and within the first ring he picked up.

"Hello? Nicole what's wrong?" I hear him ask sounding worried. I look back at Spencer who is now just staring off into space.

"Hey Charlie, Spencer and I need you to pick us up. We are in Portland by a building called All Star's Arcade." I said to him, he breathed out a sigh of relief and Spencer was back to staring at me.

"Okay I'm coming to get you right now hang on and don't go any where." He says and I hang up. Spencer finally gets up and walks over to me.

"Well Charlie won't be here for another 40 minutes, so I say let's have some real fun." Spencer says giving his trademark grin, I seriously don't get how someone's teeth can be so white.

"Um, how did you know that I was calling Charlie, and how did you know that he was coming to pick us up?" I ask him suspiciously, I wonder if he could read minds and if he could then I was in trouble. "And what do you mean by real fun?" I also add in.

"Well we are in front of an arcade. Oh wait no sorry we are totally in the middle of nowhere." He says the last part sarcastically, and of course being the person I was I slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

"Well I guess we could go play some skeet ball." I say teasingly shrugging my shoulders. He looks away and then sprints towards me at lightning speed and the next thing I knew, I was hoisted over his shoulder and he was carrying me into the arcade. But instead of going to the arcade area, first he took me to the laser tag booth and bought us two passes. The place wasn't packed at all and we were the only two doing laser tag at the moment and let me tell you it was spectacular. This was the first time I had ever played and the music that they played really gave me an adrenaline rush, and maybe that is what helped me win the first round. The next round Spencer was being extra careful and I didn't see him at all until I felt somebody tackle me to the ground, I didn't feel any pain at all but he didn't know that.

"Ow..." I said gritting my teeth in fake pain, as I looked above me Spencer's eyes had grown a little darker with worry. And right when he was about to speak I flipped him over and held the gun to his head. Our heads were pretty close together and Spencer brought his head even closer and broke any of the remaining distance. His lips reached mine and we kissed. His lips were soft like clouds and I rested my hands on his shoulders and reach around his neck. His hands were cupping my cheeks, and this time unlike this time I didn't break away and I was glad I didn't. What was seconds, felt like minutes, and what was minutes that was actually seconds felt like hours. I could have stayed like that for hours, but I realized that somebody had to win this round and I definitely wasn't going to let Spencer be the champion. So, like any person would do I didn't break the kiss but I did reach around his back to get my gun then without him noticing I shot him in the back.

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