~Sleep~ (2)

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Word of the day:
Achromatic: completely devoid of color

'Y/n, don't you see me here?'
'Don't you see?'
'Where are you trying to run to?'
'They keep him in the dark room, don't they?'
'It's you! You keep him away, you silent parasite'
'And I'll keep you here with me'
Fading images of a dark room with a man leaning over Y/n inside flickered around. The man spoke again
'I'll untie him for you'
'Come see'
'Come feel'
When his body separates from his soul will you cry???
Feel the desperation
The setting changes and Y/n is in a smoky field with dark clouds overhead. A different dark figure resembling Severus stands a while away, calmly picking up a piece of grass, and the man starts to fly over the grass to him while Y/n stands and stares
'You're the lost one, watch me unravel'
'Unravel what is left of him-'
No... not now, Y/n's fogged thoughts couldn't move fast enough to do anything, they attempted to reach out towards the people in the field, but as they did the images only got foggier
Don't unravel him
Y/n tried again,
only to be woken up by being sharply shaken by their husband.

Y/n couldn't describe it but the dream left them with an overwhelming feeling of suffocation. Severus lay next to them in the bed frowning at them slightly, the room was completely dark. The blackness surrounding Y/n was becoming hard to take, and they curled up instinctually into their pillow.

Severus didn't need to ask to know, he was a light sleeper, and while it was the middle of the night, he hadn't quite fallen asleep yet before he had been alerted by Y/n's sharp breathing that they were having a nightmare.

There wasn't much space in the bed so as they curled up, Y/n pressed their knees into Severus' chest. He carefully moved them to where they had previously been so Y/n was laying on their back and asked softly,

« Do you wish to be held as you sleep dear? »

Y/n's tired mind, which was still alert from the bad dream didn't bother to think about the word 'dear'. He had called them this once or twice before, usually when trying to comfort them. It didn't have to think too long about his question either, it was either that or stay awake.

« ...probably » they whispered back, still foggy headed from being woken up.

Severus did not respond, only moved slowly so that he was lying on his side facing the wall and Y/n. He carefully moved them around until they were facing the wall as well, and took them gently into the warmth of his arms.

Severus' slow breathing and steady heart rate gradually started to calm Y/n down. He moved one of his arms that had moved around them and gently held the side of their face. He moved his thumb over the side of their face until he felt their breathing slow. He then carefully pulled them closer and closed his eyes, preparing for wherever his own dreams would take him.

For the first time in months he let himself fall completely into a deep sleep, devoid of any thoughts except the warmth of Y/n.


When Y/n awoke for the second time, there was no light except from a small crack shining through Severus' main door to the corridor outside, which was lit up by a few dim torches. They cautiously shifted in Severus' arms, facing him and trying to look past him to the small clock with glowing numbers resting on his nightstand.
5:00 am
But just as they caught the time Severus shifted and pulled them back down under the covers in his sleep.

I suppose I could sleep for a while more,
Thought Y/n, feeling peace in their husband's arms. Being this close to him gave them a few nervous butterflies, but mostly they just felt a calm warmth within their heart.

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