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I once had a dream where I watched Snape step off a train carrying a briefcase with pigtails in his hair. Then I found this on the internet lol.


Word of the day:
Misanthropology- the study of why humans do bad things.


Headcanons for what it'd be like to be in a relationship with Snape.

1: He is very grouchy, but enjoys spending time with you, so while he rarely smiles, when he does it's because he's around you.

2: He is actually quite shy, but will try to cover it up by acting like he is more authoritative or grouchy.

3: He tends to be very quiet when at home, and spends most of his time working or reading.

4: Likes to make soups, they're mostly very good, but he enjoys experimenting sometimes which creates...interesting flavors.

5: Doesn't listen to music much on his own, except for rarely, and quietly, but when it is played he enjoys moodier, darker music, might be interested in the new muggle post punk movement if he knew about it. Will tolerate your music, thinks it's interesting.

6: He will randomly get concerned sometimes when you are doing things apart from each other in the house, and will suddenly appear at the door to check in before going back to his work.

7: Still tries to hide his feelings after many years, but sometimes when he feels the most vulnerable he will tell you how he feels quietly.

8: Doesn't tend to be a very touchy person, but is more than happy to have you sit on his lap and cuddle with him at almost any given time.

9: Always keeps an arm around you as you sleep, even if he's angry at you, to make sure you stay safe and next to him. (He hasn't admitted this fully yet though)

10: Likes to hold your hand whenever you are walking anywhere together.

11: He remains sarcastic but very serious at the same time while he is at home as well, he often has thoughtful things to say, and sometimes he just wants to tease you.

12: He likes to take you to the library.

13: Your arguments tend to be centered around each others safety, but every now and then possessiveness/jealousy will come into play as well.

14: Feels guilty about arguing with you and will try to help you in small ways after the argument is finished. He doesn't always vocalize an apology however.

15: Likes to play with your hair and vice versa.

16: Will gift you with small things and then pretend like it wasn't him even when it's obvious.

17: He likes to keep his house cold for two reasons; one is that it reminds him of the Hogwarts dungeons, and two is that it means that you go looking for him more often because you often feel warmer when he is around.

18: Just as dramatic when he is alone as he is around other people, will sometimes pace around the house.

19: Likes to watch you, sometimes obviously, sometimes trying to be discreet and failing.

20: It sometimes seems like he is always awake, falling asleep after you, and waking before. You often fall asleep on him and he will either keep you close to him or tuck you in to bed.

21: Hates getting his picture taken and doesn't like you having them around the house, but if you draw him and put it somewhere he'll just give you a funny look and go do something else. He doesn't hate it (as much)

22: Writes you letters when you are away that are unusually formal but still trying to convey his feelings which you find cute (he says he doesn't try for formal or cute, he's just trying to write a proper letter)

23: Likes it when you choose out his outfit, as long as it's in black, (and proper ofc)

24: Likes it when you wash his hair.

25: He enjoys doing his work next to you.

26: Has a routine of always giving you a goodnight kiss, he makes a point to not forget it. Refuses to call it a goodnight kiss.

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