~Sleep~ (1)

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Word of the day: Abiotic: made up of non living organisms

*y'all I don't consider this one of my better ones so u can skip if u want*

*Y/n and Severus have been married for several years, but even though they have learned to trust each other, have never been too close as their motives for marrying were for legal reasons. (Y/n was looking for a way to get away from their parents, they met in a bar after their years at Hogwarts and started talking, and eventually came up with the idea of marriage after Severus' close friend, Lilly commented on the legal parts of marriage)  Y/n usually spends the school year at his house but came to visit on a whim because they were feeling lonesome.* 
(I know it's complicated just roll with it lol)
(A/U where Voldemort doesn't exist, Severus never had romantic feelings for Lilly, but they went through some hard friendship struggles in school)

The question Y/n had now was if Severus would want a gift or not. They had packed a satchel with hygiene items, a couple outfits, pajamas, a water bottle and a few books. Everything they'd need for a trip to see their husband, or really, most places. Now they were stuck trying to figure out whether or not to get him a gift.

Severus was the type to give random small things to Y/n casually, and so he might find it familier, or comforting, but then again, he was also the type to act as though he had no need of anything in the world. These conflicting points grappled in Y/n's brain as they stood outside a small bookstore in diagon alley.

You know what, if he doesn't want a book then it's not like I can't to anything else with it. I know other people who like reading.

And so Y/n entered the store in search of the perfect novel.


«eheheheh, there you are » Y/n whispered with a mischievous smile.

The perfect novel had shown itself. Y/n paid for the heavy leather bound book and apperated outside of Hogwarts, looking for a calm place to rest until the school day finished.

Y/n idly looked about taking in the surroundings which they had called home for so long. The cold autumn air rustled the dry leaves scattered around the grey cobblestone underneath their feet. In front of them loomed the castle, windows glaring golden from the late afternoon sun. The grass was a dark green, but was starting to look dilapidated from the cold weather. Y/n turned their gaze up past the towers and looked at the clouds, which silently drifted past in wispy streaks.

There was only one place to go while they waited, Y/n thought to themself. Turning around they looked at the dark trees of the forbidden forest, whose leaves had recently turned a mix of deep crimson and gold.

They tightened the strap to their bag around their shoulders and skipped into the shadows singing quietly.

« come closer and see~ see into the trees, find the girl... while you can...»

Y/n's footsteps crushed the leaves beneath them as they made their way to a mossy stone just past the point where the trees covered the castle up.

Y/n sat down and started to read one of the books they had brought, flipping through the pages steadily. It was a thriller about a young boy whose parents were killed, and was then taken in by an old woman in the mountains, who turned out to be a former serial killer. It was suspenseful, but the plot was a bit hard to keep track of at times.

Y/n finally had to put the book back as the sun fell beneath the shadows of the trees. Standing up carefully, they walked back out of the forest, ignoring the small rustling noises that seemed to follow them. I mean, odd noises were pretty much expected at this point.

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