You're My Little Brother

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Synopsis: Raph doesn't want Mikey to go out on anymore solo missions by himself.

It was Friday night, Mikey was about to go on another solo mission on his own. Until Raph stopped him from sneaking out.

"Mikey, where do you think you're going?" Raph ask in a serious tone.

Mikey turned around and sees Raph standing there with his arms crossed.

"I'm going on another solo mission on my own but you don't have to worry about me Raph I'll be fine." Mikey said as he started smiling nervously and holding two thumbs up.

"Forget it, you're not going by yourself it's my job to protect you whether you like it or not." Raph said as he continued.

Mikey was really getting tired of Raph being overprotective of him since Raph was the oldest brother.

"Matter of fact, you're not going on anymore solo missions by yourself Mikey I mean it." Raph said in an angrily tone. 

"Come on Raph just let me go on another solo mission on my own please!" Mikey begged.

"I said you're not going." Raph said.

"This isn't fair" Mikey had tears in his eyes he ran in his room slammed the door and got into his bed and started crying into his pillow.

Leo and Donnie saw them arguing and think that Raph was being too overprotective of Mikey. Raph noticed that they were looking at him.


"You're being too overprotective of him Raph"

"Yeah don't you remember that Mikey went on his first solo mission to get the Hot Soup The Game and that he was fine on his own?" Donnie asks.

Raph sighed at his brothers and he definitely remember that Mikey had the game in his hands.

"I just don't want Mikey to get hurt" Raph said.

"We know Raph, but Mikey isn't a baby anymore he can take care of himself. Why can't you just trust him?" Leo asked.

Raph sighed again and he realized that Leo and Donnie we're right, he needs to start trusting Mikey to do solo missions by himself. Sure, Mikey wasn't a baby anymore but he's still  his little brother.

Mikey was still in his room crying and upset, Oliver walked up to Mikey and licked his cheek trying to cheer up Oliver let out a cute meow, Mikey smiled at his pet kitten and stroking him behind the ears Oliver started purring. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" Mikey said as he sees Raph entering his room.

"Hey little man, can we talk?" Raph asked as Mikey nodded. But not looking up at Raph.

"Listen, I know that I can be overprotective of you all the time it's just that I don't want you to get hurt Mikey" Raph said as he sees Mikey looking up at him giving him eye contact.

"But Raph, I can take care of myself, why won't you trust me?" Mikey asked concern.

Raph felt really guilty for not trusting his own little brother. Even though, Mikey was 13 and the youngest in the family.

"It's just that I don't want you to get hurt, but you're right I need to start trusting you to do things on you're own, you're my little brother and I love you and I'm sorry for being too overprotective of you" Raph started to apologize to Mikey. 

Mikey smiled and hugged his big brother as Raph return the hug.

"It's okay, and I love you too Raph thanks for finally trusting me" Mikey said.

"Anytime little man" Raph smiled.

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