Oliver Runs Away

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Synopsis: After Mikey snaps and yells at his pet little kitten Oliver for scratching up his video game. Oliver runs away from home.

Raph, Leo and Donnie we're skateboarding. While, Mikey was playing his favorite video game Hot Soup, Oliver came up to Mikey and started meowing.


"What is it Oliver?" Mikey asked as he began to guess what Oliver wants and he was thinking that Oliver was hungry as he heard Oliver's stomach growling. 

Mikey put his hand on Oliver's head which makes Oliver purring, Mikey started laughing. "I'm guessing you're hungry huh boy?"


"I'll go get you some food" Mikey said as he started walking out the living room and went to go get his food from the kitchen.

Oliver stayed in the living room he started to look at Mikey's video game Hot Soup. Oliver started to bite the video game and scratching it up with his claws.

"Oliver I got-" Mikey stopped and gasps he sees his kitten scratching up his video game.

"No, Oliver you've scratch up my video game!" Mikey sounded really angry at Oliver.

Raph, Leo and Donnie went to go see what was going on when they heard Mikey yelling.

"Woah Mikey, what's going on?" Leo asked.

Mikey turned around to see his brothers standing there with an angry look on his face right now. 

"Oliver ruined my game" Mikey yelled as he looked back down at Oliver which he was scared of Mikey yelling at him.

"Mikey calm down" Raph said.

"I don't wanna calm down Raph!" Mikey shouted as he looked down at Oliver again.


"Mikey! That's enough" Donnie said.

Oliver started to whin and was scared of Mikey now which made Oliver hiding under the couch.

Mikey was still angry he threw his broken video game on the ground and went to his room.

It was late at night, everyone was sleeping in their own rooms. Oliver walked up to Mikey's window and open it and ran off.

The next day, Mikey looked all over the Lair to find Oliver but he was nowhere to be found. Mikey started to get really worried about him and felt bad about yelling at him yesterday.

"Guys, I think Oliver ran away" Mikey said.

"Don't worry, we'll find him later but right now it's hero time" Raph said as his brothers followed him.

The boys were out looking for the foot clan. Until Mikey heard a meow from down below as he sees the Foot Clan hurting his pet Oliver which causes Oliver to meow even louder than ever.

Mikey gasps. "Oliver I'm coming"


Mikey flung his mystic weapon at the Foot Clan soldier. While, Raph knocked the Foot Clan soldiers out with his mystic powers. Once they were knocked out Mikey walked over to Oliver and picked him up in his arms.

"You okay boy?" Asked Mikey as he looked at Oliver.

Oliver had a sad look on his face as he start whining softly and nuzzles Mikey's cheek meaning how sorry he was and also that Oliver was scared about the Foot Clan hurting him.

Mikey smiled and comfort his pet. "Shhh, it's okay Oliver you're safe now I've got you, I'm here it's alright" Mikey kissed him on his soft head. "I'm so sorry I yelled at you Oliver I don't hate you, I just angry about the game I didn't mean to scare you like that yesterday, can you ever forgive me?"

Oliver let out a cute meow and started to lick Mikey's cheek which makes Mikey laughed.

"I love you too Oliver" Mikey was holding Oliver in his arms.

Raph, Leo and Donnie thought it was cute and adorable.

"Come on let's go home" Leo said.

As soon as they got home, everyone else was starting to head to their own rooms to go to sleep.

Mikey stroke Oliver behind the ears which makes Oliver purring and started to fall asleep on Mikey's chest. Mikey will always love Oliver no matter what.

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