Chapter four

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Today I asked Starr to meet in the morning until dad phoned me. I was on my way down to she coffee shop and she was stood there waiting.
"Hello" she said with a big smiled across her face, I really hope me and Starr can be good friends she's so lovely.

"Ok so we need to talk about what happened" she said pulling me into the shop.
We got our drinks and took a seat,
"Soo......tell me about it" she smiled leaning forwards with her hands under her chin.

"We'll all I did was stay over really"

"Can't lie to me, you told me you kissed" she said smiling

"Yeah but-"

"No buts it's cute omg I love it, if never liked any of his girlfriends but you aha it's a sign"

"Aww ahaha"

"It is!"

After a hour of talking my dad rang me.,

"Hi on my way"



"Why good"

He ended.......that's weird.....
"Iv gotta go dad on his way"

She smiled and tried to stop


"Why what"

"Why the smile"

"No reason, iv gotta go"

She walked of, that's weird. What's going on.

-dance works-
I walked in with dad slowly behind me, I opened the door and no one was I there, I turned around and dad has left. "What" I mumbled

I walked up stairs and found pel, "where is everyone?"

He looked up and hugged me. "What's that for?"

"I wanted to say, I love you and I want you to move in and I know we haven't been together long but you mean everything to me, would you?"

"Of course I will" he kissed me just like before and all my feelings came back.

"Where is everyone?"

"They knew I was asking so they didn't wanna come in and mess it up"

He went red and kissed me again. "I love you" he said "I love you too"

-pels house-
We left dance works and went to pels house, I brang most of my things from dads and packed it all away. It was now 7:30 and I was really tired I spoke to dad over the phone
"Hi dad"

"Hi sweet how's it going, I know you love pel I just wish you could have stayed longer I really miss you iv had to have Jordan sleep to keep my company"

"I'll be over in the morning and I miss you too you've done everything for me, you've changed my life. I couldn't ask for anymore"

"I love you princess"

"Love you king"

I could feel him smiling down the phone, I loved him he has made my life better.

He ended the phone but in his own time! I missed him already but I was with pel now
And this was my life.

-short I'm sorry please vote xx

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