Chapter One

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"A Table for Two"
Chapter One

"Why haven't you restocked the cans yet? I thought I told you to." Luz's boss, Ms. Kikimora, said harshly. While she was of small stature, her attitude was the polar opposite.

"You told me to get the cereal first." Luz thought to herself. Resisting the urge to punt her boss like a football, Luz blankly responded. "I'm sorry. I misunderstood your directions, I'll get right on the cans." After giving a fake smile, Luz walked away, muttering a string of curses under her breath.

"22 years old and she's scolding me like I'm still a child." Luz pulled her cart to the shelf and began unloading the cans, quickly stacking them in rows. Over the 4 years she had worked in Bonesborough Grocer, Luz had become increasingly fast at the repetitive tasks that plagued her 'To-Do' list.

"At least my shift is over now." Luz thought as she wheeled her cart into the employee's only section of the store. She took her bright green apron off and hung her matching hat on the rack, the embroidered white text pointing outwards; Just like her boss demanded it to be.

Passing her coworker, and Kikimora's next victim, Luz left the store. She unlocked her car and sat down in the driver's seat, resting her head on the top of the steering wheel. "Jeez. That was a bad day." Luz muttered. She slid the keys into the ignition and sighed, not quite ready to return to her empty apartment.

"I'll go to Eda's." Luz pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive down the familiar road. She had been down this street more times than she could count, and knew the drive better than her own name. From cracks in the road to potholes that shook the car's suspension to its very core, Luz could picture every detail with her eyes closed.

Of course, driving with your eyes closed isn't safe, but Luz knew she certainly could.

Her mother would take her to Eda's constantly as a kid, the owner being a family friend made it a convenient place to go; not just for a delicious meal, but also to hang out.

"What? Who parked in spot 7? That's my spot." Luz muttered disappointedly. For the past 12 years, Luz always had that spot, and everyone knew it. For someone to park there meant someone new.

Someone to mess up the flow of Luz's safe haven.

Someone to ruin the good thing that was happening.

Someone bad.

Luz parked nearby and walked inside, curious to see who owned the car in her spot. Luz wasn't a petty person, she was just annoyed when her 12 year flow was disrupted by a stranger.

"Hey Eda! Hey Raine!" Luz called as she walked inside, being greeted by the co-owners. While everyone just called it "Eda's" the diner was actually titled "Eda's and Raine's", but the red neon sign on the diner's roof only displayed Eda's name.

"Good afternoon Luz, how was work?" Raine asked from behind the counter, a smile on their face as Luz approached.

"Terrible. Kikimora is annoying and I want to kick her down the stairs." Luz said back, earning a laugh from Eda who just came out of the kitchen.

"Just how I raised you!" Eda reached across the counter and ruffled Luz's hair. Despite not being related, Eda was always like a second mother to Luz, always there for her when she needed someone to talk to.

"Oh yeah, who parked in 7? I saw the car when I pulled in." Luz asked, taking a seat on the pull-out stool under the counter.

"We hired someone new, I'd assume that's her car." Raine explained, skillfully making Luz's favorite chocolate milkshake as they spoke. Luz always preferred when Raine made it, she swore there was a difference in the taste when Eda did it.

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