Part 3

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           The Flash Season One

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           The Flash Season One

                                                              December 11th, 2013;

The rain and wind crashed into the windows, causing them to vibrate, watching as the raindrops raced down. Deep in thought, you had been counting down the days, Harrison had promised that after the particle accelerator the relationship would be public.

Feeling a nudge, Harrison motions for you to follow him as he walks on.

" Get ready to take note of everything."

Nodding, you both make your way through the crowded Cortex.

"Dr Wells, we just got the latest weather report, a big thunderstorm is rolling in," Cisco calls out and leaps towards Harrison, matching his speed.

Seemingly unfazed he continues walking, unbuttoning his jacket, only stopping in front of a small computer screen.

" We're not launching a space shuttle, we'll be fine."

You watch Cisco smile, his admiration shining through.

" Why am I so nervous? I've got to shake off this feeling of doom." Caitlin's voice broke your concentration.

"A honeymoon isn't a honeymoon without Mai Tai's... Isn't that right Y/n?" She called out, eyes beaming as you made your way over.

A small giggle escaped as you stopped, lightly elbowing Roonie.

"Sorry but you're outvoted, Ronnie." You laughed.

Ronnie's eyes never left Caitlin's, taking her hand in his.

"Okay, Okay! I give in, Tahiti it is." he gave in.

"Dr Wells the accelerator is primed and ready for particle injection." Cisco announced.

Everyone followed Harrison, forming a semicircle in front of him.

"Well, I feel I should say something profound like "one small step for men". Taking a sharp breath, He tried to conceal the excitement bubbling through his body. "All I can think to say is I feel like I've waited for this day da for centuries..." The room filled with applause, his smile was infectious, and the room broke out, in pride for their work. As everyone looked around, Harrison's fingers lightly traced your hand before placing it on the computer screen activating the process.

"Without further ado."

You observed him intensely, stepping back and keeping you by his side.

"That's it? You think there would be a like a loud bang." Cisco commented underwhelmed.

"If there's a loud bang we'd all be in big trouble." Ronnie nervously explained looking from person to person.

"Take it from the guy who helped build it." They share a loving look, Ronnie moved in closer to Caitlin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we did it." Harrison gives you a quick nod, before turning his attention back to the others.

The room is once again filled with applause, taking it all in, you turn to Harrison, your voice barely above a whisper.

"Congratulations Dr Wells."

"I couldn't have made my deadline if it weren't for you." He whispered back, looking down with admiration.


A short time later, the building started to shake, sending it's vibrations through the walls, your eyes widened seeing the windows shake.

"Harrison!" You slowly mumbled, taking a small step towards him.

A hard rumble rocked through the building causing him to hold you up, stopping you from falling over.

"I've got you."

It started to get stronger, more people in the room were panicking, you looked over to see Ronnie, Caitlin and Cisco talking.

"I know you don't like being told what to do but I need you to listen to me." He firmly stated, worry in his eyes. "I need for you to go to my office, I've made sure it's safe in there." He continued to hold you tightly.

"But shouldn't we evacuate the building?" The panic showing in your voice.

His tone changed from the Harrison Wells mask you were used to him wearing to something darker "I do not care about anyone else here but your safety. So please for once do as I say... You have to be safe."

You slowly nodded, taking his tone in. Harrison never scared you but there was something in his tone that sent a shiver down your spine.

He shook you hard "Did you hear me?!" he demanded.

"Ye-Yes... I'll stay in there." You sounded unsure.

With that he let you go, as you got to the office doors, Antonio Scarelli, one of the engineers fell on top of you, sending you both crashing through the glass doors. His weight crushed your body further into the glass, causing some pieces to impale you. "Eh... Antonio are you ok?" You barely got the words out "Antonio?" He didn't make a sound, realizing he was completely out, you tried to shift out from underneath, digging the glass in further. "Argh!" A sharp pain shot through your hip. "Ok, OK. Calm down, take deep breaths" dragging your legs up, tucking them under his body, you pushed him up and rolled out as quickly as possible. "Shit! Fuck, fuck that hurt!" You screamed out, tears burning your eyes. Wobbling to your feet, you looked down deciding you couldn't leave him there. Taking your jacket off and some of it squeezing it under him, using his jacket to roll him on top of it. "Deep breathes Y/n" Taking a deep breath, you slowly pull him into Harrison's office.

The scene of people panicking surprised you, at least ten people all crowded the elevator. "No! It's not safe using it, we don't know what could happen." Your screams fell on death's ears, as soon as the doors started to open they rushed, each person, knocking into you, sending you into the wall. Their weight crushing you, not being able to move. "S-st...op." Your voice was barely heard, fear started to overtake you as you struggled to breathe, head hitting the wall.


Eobard stood in the time vault, watching the chaos unfold from the monitors, a sinister smile spread across his face, his plan was finally here. "Just in time." He let out in a low voice, noting that Ronnie, Caitlin and Cisco were nearly in the pipeline. He watched on as people were running around the building, noticing with annoyance when he saw Y/n stumbling into the hallway. The look of annoyance was quickly replaced with concern once the crowd rushed towards the elevator, throwing y/n into the wall. using his speed to race behind them "Ca— can't breath" Your voice cracked with fear. Pushing his way through until he reached you. "I have you!" He yelled out, taking your hand pushing his way through and leading you to the doorway of the Cortex. There was a loud sound, he looked up to see the railing from the ceiling was about to break "I am sorry, it wasn't supposed to happen like this." A bright light shot up through the floor hitting them breaking through the windows, glass shattering everywhere, Eobard through y/n into the Cortex, saving her from the railing that came crashing down on top of him. Regret filled his mind as he lay here.

—----------- "I have died everyday waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years "I'll love you for a thousand more."

It played through the speakers, mumbling the lyrics, you started to wake, the ringing in your ears causing a headache, slowly your eyes opened, everything was blurry. Struggling to your knees, the ringing started to fade "Harrison?!" You called out, tears falling down your face, looking around the destroyed room. "Harrison?!" You screamed out, trying to focus on a pile of debris blocking the doorway, it took you a second to notice he was still there, face down, trapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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