The Reverse Flash returns

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You sat in the cortex with the team watching Joe talk with Eobard, Harry's hand clutching your shoulder, the only thing keeping you from falling

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You sat in the cortex with the team watching Joe talk with Eobard, Harry's hand clutching your shoulder, the only thing keeping you from falling. Everyone's attempt at Eobard failed, watching Joe disappear from the monitor, feeling the frustration build, you turn to Barry.


"Y/n?" Barry's eyes scanned yours.

"Can you run to Big belly burger and get his normal order, please? " You asked, still not moving your gaze from the monitor.

Everyone froze, watching you, Harry's hand gripped your shoulder tighter.

"Wh- what? Why?" Barry stepped closer, wanting to understand.

"I'm going down there."

Barry simply nodded, knowing better than to argue with you. Within a blink of an eye, Barry was back, handing you the bag of food and a strawberry shake.

"Are you sure?" Harry's voice cracked, watching you. You turned to him with a small smile, the two of you had grown close since he arrived. Placing your hand on top of his, brushing your thumb over his.

Caitlin abruptly jerked forward.

"You don't have to Y/n, we don't expect you to."

Seeing the concern on your friend's faces, you took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"You guys don't understand when he had Eddie and me down in the basement he told me that we met before... In the future with his original body." You attempted to force yourself to sound less numb but failed. The room fell silent, Harry was the first to break it.

"Just be careful Y/n, don't reveal too much."

"You don't have to Y/n." Caitlin almost yelled.

"It's his Origin story, Cait, and seeing as it helped shape his opinion of me before he became Harrison, I would say it matters."

Harry followed you to the elevator, not knowing what else to say or if he should follow you down there.

"Do you have such little faith in me, Harry?"

You asked playfully, nudging his arm, he let out a small chuckle and bent down, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I have great faith in you."


"I hope so, thanks for worrying about me."

With that, you stepped into the elevator, watching Harry as the doors closed.

"Deep breaths Y/n, it's not him... Well, it is him but not him.... If I'm being honest, I want to see you Harr-Eobard, I need to meet the original you. A piece of the puzzle."

After what felt like an eternity, you arrived in the pipeline. The door opened to reveal Joe.

"Y/n, Where are you going?" He asked, stopping the door.

"I'm going to see him."

"Do you want backup?"

"I appreciate it but no." You smiled at the man you thought of as a second father, growing up with Iris and Barry, they all were like a second family.

The sound of your boots echoed through the pipeline causing your heart to race, you pressed the button and there he stood, facing the glass, waiting.

"And who are you?" Eobard asked, stepping closer, the curiosity showing in his voice.

Hearing his voice sent shivers through your body.

"Y/n" you answered while taking in his features, his real face was nice.

He let out a chuckle. "I'm assuming we've met since everyone that's come down here has. Now, the question is, what do you want?"

"I thought you might be hungry." Setting the food and the shake in the conjoined tray, he watched you closely.

"Don't worry, you'll like it." A small smile crept through.

"Oh, I doubt that's all you're here for." He said with a smirk.

You couldn't help but stare at his face, you knew that Harrison's face wasn't his real one but it was still weird seeing him in a different body. You watched him take the food and drink, setting them down on the floor.

"Now, what did I do to you?" He asked with amusement.

You bite your bottom lip, trying to decide how to answer. You noticed he was watching your lips.

"He always liked it when I bit my lower lip."

"Amongst other things, you kept your promise."

Eobard's eyes roamed your body, with a click of his tongue "Interesting unlike the others I don't sense hatred, there's something else..."

You sighed "That's because I don't hate you Eobard."

You gazed at each other for a few moments, breaking the silence you leapt forward touching the glass.

"Can I ask something?" The mood instantly changed.

"Go ahead" He nodded.

"Why aren't there any cows in your time? I never got the chance to ask before."

You weren't surprised that your question caught him off guard, you had a habit of asking random questions.

"Out of everything you could ask, you want to know that?" Licking his bottom lip as his eyes never left yours.

Before you could answer Harry appeared beside you, holding his gun, making you jump.

"Time to send you home." Harry glared.

"The time paradox, yeah. You've all messed with something you don't understand." Once again, Eobard was amused.

"Do me a favour?... And just shut up."

Eobard chuckled as he answered

"And how exactly are you going to send me home?"

"Don't worry about it."

You stood there, watching them both.

"You fixed Dr Mcgee's tachyon device." It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement.

Harry moved to the side, pushing the button as he spoke

"No, I came up with a different method."

He moved in front of you, shielding you from Eobard.

"Is that so?"

"Aha." Harry answered smugly.

"Great, just what Harry needs is his ego stroked more."

Eobard moved forward "Who are you?"

Pointing His gun at Eobard "No one of consequence."

Eobard's face lit up knowingly "Oh... I doubt that."

He watched as Harry took your hand, forcing you behind him as the three of you made your way to Barry. While Harry spoke with Barry, you moved over to Eobard, speaking low "This will sound stupid but be safe."

Eobard simply smirked at you and whispered "I'll see you soon Y/n" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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