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Next morning, spenza asked shakes why did he left the door open, but he ignored it. He was looking more happy than usual. Skarra too, he told the United's about the proposal and, everybody were teasing him? But they were happy too that shakes and Skarra r together now. The teasing made skarra blush and nosebleed and collapse. It was normal. Peter took a pic and send it to shakes. With the strikas:

Shakes: *humming*
Shawn: hey dude! U in a good mood today?
Shakes: well, something happened yesterday. *Receives a message* *giggles*
El matador: what r u laughing at? *Tries to see but fails*
Shakes: u r not seeing anything.

After that, they got into training. Shakes started to meet the United's more. And this is the story, of how 2 rivals, which we can say were not, fell into love. The End...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ This took soooooooooo much time!! But this is over now. Or I can say... For now. Sayonara ~

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