First encounter

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"Hold my hand" Taehyung's voice drew Jungkook out from his momentum in choosing the perfect ice-cream. He looked at his boyfriend with a  confused face, as Taehyung usually preferred to stand and watch aside until Jungkook finishes with the groceries.

"Uhh...Tae- It's pretty hard considering the situation I'm in" Jungkook helplessly gestured at his hands that were filled with different ice cream boxes

And yes, he wasn't gonna let them go anytime soon.

Taehyung stared at him for a second and after seemingly contemplating with himself, took Jungkook's wrist and edged closer. Their bodies inches merely inches away.

"H-hey ! What are you doing?! " the youngest of the duo whined when he had to put down two boxes to properly let Taehyung hold his hand

He turned his head to fake glare at his boyfriend only to find him looking faraway into another aisle-his brown orbs piercing and menacing.

It was a crowded day because of the weekend so there were a lot of people in the supermarket.

Jungkook looked at the crowd to see what caused Taehyung's expression thinking  there must be a petty fight going on but the only thing that greeted him was the calm and cool interior of the shop

"Tae?"  He asked again, gently shaking his boyfriend from his stupor

"Yes love ?" Taehyung finally focused his attention on Jungkook

A small smile appeared on the younger's face "What's wrong?"

"I just saw someone. Don't worry about it. Must be tripping " He lightly laughed almost as of to shake the tension away.

Jungkook's eyebrow rose involuntarily but he didn't question further because he trusted Taehyung to handle things without making it worse. After all, Taehyung was the pillar in their relationship. If things get worse, he just knows that Taehyung will take matters to his hands.

Talking about matters at hand, Jungkook focused back on choosing ice-creams with his tounge slowly peeking between his half pen lips. Behind him, Taehyung let out an amused chuckle at Jungkook's mental turmoil
" If you can't choose , I'll buy you both baby" Taehyung said from behind him.

Jungkook's heart warmed again, a slight warmth settling in the pit of his stomach. Goddman these butterflies !  Even after Months of dating Taehyung, Jungkook still couldn't get used to the butterflies and the occasional flip in his heart. 

Because it was the small things that mattered. It wasn't about how both of them are only making money just enough for weekly groceries. it was enough for him that Taehyung even thought of that, was willing to do that and face the consequences later.

And he knew, that he would do the same for Taehyung in a heart beat.

Jungkook smiled and grabbed the one that was closest to him. " Thanks tae but I'm good with this one " He safely placed the carton on the trolly

" Are you sur-?" Taehyung's brows were pulled back to a frown as he was contemplating whether he should go ahead and just buy it. But his worried were soon melted away with Jungkook standing on his toes and kissing on his lips with a small 'don't worry about it'

All in all they were done with almost everything (except for Jungkook's favorite milk cartons-the latter nearly cried when he saw all the banana milk to be sold out and only calmed down after Taehyung quickly reminded him of the corner store that had them )

Taehyung helped Jungkook to place all the items on the cashier's  table as the latter arranged the shopping bags neatly so the kind lady behind the counter would find it easier to just put the stuff in the bag.

Just as Jungkook was opening the fourth bag, Taehyung's hand circled around his waist and pulled him backwards, with the younger boy colliding with Taehyung's firm chest with a small yelp

" T-Tae?! What are you doi-?" Jungkook's eyes widened. Because the Taehyung right now had a face of cold blood. He looked murderous. His jaw locked perfectly, making his side profile sharpen even more, his hands fisted tightly against Jungkook.

" That man-" Taehyung said slowly, his eyes focused somewhere behind an aisle "has been following us ever since we left the dorms " 

Jungkook's mouth fell open as he subtly looked to see who Tae was talking about. And sure he was right ! A man in a black hoodie stood half covered behind the frozen section with a black beanie over his head. Even though they shouldn't judge a person by the attire they were wearing. what was more evident was the way that man was stealing glances at them

"-It will be 340,000 Won sir " The cashier's voice drew both of them out of their stupor as Taehyung immediately pulled out his card to pay all the while holding Jungkook's waist from the other.

In a minute the transactions were done and Taehyung quickly took the heavy bags leaving the smaller ones to Jungkook . He threw one last glare towards the man and ushered Jungkook forward, slowly whispering  to 'not look back and keep walking'.

Once the were out in the parking lot Jungkook let out a sigh, feeling happy that he was out from the threatened space " God that was awful!"

" Don't worry, he's harmless love " Taehyung's eyes turned dark " If not, I'll make him "

Jungkook gulped. Why was his boyfriend this hot?

As they walked to their dorms, Taehyung looked back at the market one last time.

He couldn't forget about the man at the aisle.....

Or how his eyes were always fixed on His Jungkook.











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