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Okay, mofos. Time to lay down some basic shit.

To all: The one who had the idea of this AU first is a person called Bunny on Twitter. If you're at least 18 years old, respect them if you see them and such.

To old mother fuckers: Welcome back. You know the drill.

To new mother fuckers: Hello. This is a bitch's work and whatever I say goes. If someone you like dies, too bad.

To mother fuckers who breathe Sun and Moon: Don't bitch at me.

To the shitheads who massively reported Bunny and ended up kicking them out: Y'all are fucking dickheads and I hope you get kicked from Wattpad too.

For now, I think that's everything. Let's get this damn bandwagon going.



Of course, everyone knew who the cheering was for as the stars of the show descended from above on cores decorated around their themes.

Sunrise was on the left, or Sun as most folks called him, while Moondrop, or Moon, was on the right smiling their mouths off at the families coming to see them live to get signatures and whatnot.

The children were so happy and the boys were happy too as they chatted with their fans. Meanwhile, a figure could be seen on the sidelines wearing a rather... unique beanie on her head...

People could tell right away that the owner had this for a long time due to the ugly patchwork on it that made the beanie look more like it was a bunch of patches thrown together...

Outside of her hat, the lady was quite beautiful.

Her eyes were as blue as the sky, freckles across her rosy cheeks as well as her nose, her lips a nice rosy pink, and her skin color matching the color of a Vanilla Boston Styled cup of Joe*.

She was a new hire that started working as something like a caretaker for Sun and Moon a few weeks ago. Her name was Jemma and she was an odd fella.

On her first day, she quickly understood why everyone was so worn out and stressed. Sun and Moon may have been nice to their fans and on camera, but the moment the public eye isn't looking, the animatronics were quite rude toward their coworkers. At least, they respected each other and called their fellow star "brother" so that was... nice?

Everyone knew that the celestial brothers' attitude was ticking her off, but she learned quickly that Sun and Moon could easily tell the boss and fire whoever they like. This was why everyone kissed their asses so easily.

Quite literally sometimes...

More on that later...

It was about ten or so minutes before the show was over when Moon excused himself so he could talk to Jemma making the smaller girl, just shy of five feet tall while Sun and Moon (excluding add-ons like Sun's rays) stood a little over six feet, bite her lip.

His face went from kind and caring to cold and bitter as he stared Jemma down.

"Get me a coffee for after the show," he spoke with words of ice stinging to the core. Not that it truly affected Jemma. "Sun could also go for some tea, too. We'll be expecting them in the dressing rooms."

Before Jemma could even ask how they wanted their drinks, Moon went back to talking to the people. She shook her head with a huff as she made her way to her coworkers for a bit of help.

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