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Lols. S.A.M.S. reference.


"The Sun And Moon Show" was what the children's show was called. The show was roughly about how two brother aliens learn about humans and help children learn more about the world around them. The boys didn't have to ask the camera about things like how Amanda The Adventurer did, which they were happy with, but the boys still felt a little silly doing a show like this.

Bright and colorful in the day and night. It felt artificial, which it was, but also forced.

Sure, the show had been on for much longer than the boys had been alive, with themselves being like the fifth redesign, but not many knew what happened behind the scenes.

Celestial Enterprise knows how to keep its image so to the public eye, everything is just about as peachy as the show is, but the reality is that people are paid high prices to keep their mouths shut and if not, they will destroy their lives.

They were relentless and shady and by the time people know it, it was too late...

Sun and Moon knew that too well. The reason why they're still here was that they had an electric fence system in their code. Should they even try and have a finger outside of the building, they'd get a massive shock sending them away from the door or window...

There was no way out for them. At least, not without a blackout, but even then, there were backup generators in case the building went dark...

Another day and the new 30-minute-long episode was recorded and sent to the editors. Jemma was busy looking for the makeup artist from the other day.

"Come on, Abby, you've gotta be here somewhere," she muttered. Her aura of determination was enough to let the other staff members know that she meant business letting her part the sea.

After about ten-ish minutes of searching the place, Jemma found her hiding in the basement under some costumes for the humans to wear.

"There you are, lovely," she said as she removed the costumes. A small girl with snow-white hair and skin with rosy pink eyes launched at Jemma landing in her chest. "Oh, shh, shh, shh. There's no need to cry, sweetie. I'm right here."

"Jemma!" Abby cried out as she wrapped her arms around her. "Why?"

"Why what, lovely?"

"Why do Sun and Moon have dicks? They're meant for kid stuff!"

"Chances are that they asked for them," Jemma said while petting her hair. "But if they had half the brain I have, they'd understand that they didn't need to ask for such upgrades."

Abby sniffed as she looked up.

"Why's that?"

"Because they're dickheads!"

The girls' laughter traveled through the vents. They were lucky that Jemma's joke didn't travel through the vents too. Joy could be heard through the vents reaching the ears of whoever was listening.

This included some unlikely ears...

The dressing rooms had a vent right between where Sun and Moon would usually sit and they could hear the lady from the vent laughing with someone else.

Jealousy was burning through their metaphorical veins as they knew who the other voice belonged to...

-[time to try a different tactic]-

What do we do w/ her?

We could hav her fired 4 slackin?

What bout assault against u sun?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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