So it Begins

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Dru grabbed her rotary phone off the bedside table and aimlessly dialed her best friend Robin's home phone number -after waiting for 4 rings she was just about to hang up when a very out of breath Robin finally answered the phone...'Hey Dingus',why so outta breath?...wait, did you only JUST get home from school? Dru asked as she sprawled herself out across her bed, awaiting her friend to respond...'As a matter of fact, Dingus' I have just got home from school, and I'll tell you EXACTLY why I'm so late home and then DRU you may have some explaining to do Missy" Robin sounded both concerned and a tad annoyed,Dru had an idea she knew why Robin would be concerned, she had left school extremely early and very abruptly not to mention very secretive,Dru rubbed the dressing that was currently covering a fairly large portion of her left wrist and inner forearm,she winced slightly at the tenderness and very soreness of the wound,she was very much aware it would require medical attention or at the very least stitches....Dru was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of Robins voice once again coming through the phone....'So i got to Mrs Clicks class only to discover that You my best friend was no where to be seen and a very smug looking Nancy bragging loudly to Barb and well anyone else that wanted to listen that "after the last and most recent showdown the Socially Awkward Girlie Freak won't be able to try and be all cute again for a long while especially now that she has ANOTHER....DISGUSTING and UGLY scar to hide in shame from the rest of society"...Nancy smirked "besides if they think that she did THAT one herself like she clearly DID ALL the others then they'll pity her...where as if they were to know it was little old me that Sliced her then she'd be seen as an even bigger FREAK than she is now" Robin paused...."DRU! Is it true? Did Nancy hurt you?" Dru didn't respond,instead she choose to wait till Robin has told her everything,then she'd explain,or at least as best as she could...Robin noticed her friends awkward pause,she understood and so she continued,"so then Steve came over and quietly asked if I knew if what Nancy was saying was true,and if you were ok,which I found a bit odd especially as Nancy is ALWAYS all over him like a dang unwanted rash but also I guess it was kinda sweet of him if he's thinking of someone else other than his stupid hair' Robin giggled slightly before continuing,"then I had to pop over to Band Practice real quick,then as I was leaving I ran into Dustin and Mike,they were trying to talk me into being a sub for Lucas in your brother's D&D campaign at HellFire tonight,I told them No and to count me out...but I do kinda want one of the awesome HellFire Club t-shirts is that bad or or weird? Then I spotted Eddie and Chrissy Cunningham talking - is it odd that I kinda find them cute together?" Robin sighed out loud before taking a breath while waiting for Dru to respond....Dru let out a slight sigh before starting to talk,as she started to talk she could've sworn she heard the familiar click of someone picking up another handset somewhere else in the home but after listening closely for a minute or two she decided to ignore it on the lack of breathing and or other noises and continued her conversation with Robin,"Haha no Dingus it's not bad or weird that you want a HellFire Club t-shirt,they're awesome and I think you'd look RAD in one,I'll get ya one later tonight ok, and Noo it's not odd that you think Chrissy and Eddie look cute together cuz I think so too,and I Know Eddie likes her and I'm pretty sure Chrissy likes Eddie too so there's a fun project we can work on." Dru let out a small giggle before moving on to the main task at hand.... explaining the whole Nancy situation....."Uhm,yes it's true, Nancy got in my face after lunch,she started saying that I was a dirty slutty freak and that 1 I should keep my slutty eyes off of her boyfriend and 2 that NOBODY in Steve's peer group or even Steve himself would EVER be caught dead speaking to NEVERMIND DATING some freaky goth-like girl that along with her freaky twin brother of whom are clearly unwanted trailer park trash that have no parents to LOVE them or even WANT them but also NO real friends to hang out with, and never mind the fact that I have nasty ugly scars all over my arms that I deserve all the bad crap.....she then smirked in my face and said she was gonna give me "THE FREAK" one more BIG 6-8 inch scar or bigger depending on her accuracy....that I can be proud of.....then she used the kitchen knife she stole from Home Economics class the lesson before lunch and sliced my left wrist and inner forearm with I ran off while she stood there Laughing.......and well now you know why I wasn't in Mrs Clicks Class...." Before either girl could say anything, the click that Dru thought she heard earlier came back..followed by a very loud,very angry voice of Eddie..."Dru... Nancy, did WHAT to you?!!!"
the next thing Robin heard was the phone line went she knew she had to go over and check on Dru....

Eddie slammed the phone down in the living room area of their Uncles trailer, he had only picked it up to dial Dustin and see if they had a substitute for tonight's campaign when he heard the horrible things that Nancy had said and then Done to his made his blood boil....Dru didn't deserve it....neither of them did...but she seemed to get the worst of it not just from their father before he got sent to jail but by people at school even complete strangers....she was his little sister....yes they were twins But he was 5 minutes older that meant he HAD to protect her....he carefully knocked on her bedroom door and awaited her response. "Dru...can I come in...please...I didn't mean to yell,it wasn't aimed at you or Robin you know that right... Let me help you...." He waited patiently with his head resting on her door...."Eddie it's ok,you can enter....besides I kinda need your help with well clean up and stitch up if you don't mind...I don't think I can face going to Hawkins General Hospital and deal with all the JUDGEMENTAL nurses looks.... It's bad enough that the one guy I actually like....pities me......" Dru looked down at her wound trying not to wince or cry as Eddie carefully peeled the blood soaked dressing off of the wound,allowing him a better look at Wheelers handy work....bitch had done a right nasty number on Dru's poor arm....all because Steve likes Dru for who she is....and Nancy is only with Steve because well she can....she doesn't actually have feelings for the dude .... Eddie smiled slightly at the thought that his sister has feelings for Harrington and that oddly enough Harrington may have the same feelings for Dru....pushing the thought to one side he discarded the soiled dressing and gently used the warm water and soft wash cloth to clean the wound allowing him to see the actual extent of the damage.....luckily there was no damage to any muscles, tendons or major arteries but the wound was still gonna require more than just butterfly Eddie was looking for the box with the surgical needle's and thread the trailer door started making a knocking sound.. followed by Robins concerned voice which Eddie responded with "it's open Robin" before grabbing the medical supplies and returning to Dru's room,with Robin close behind...

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