2 - Meeting Violet

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"MOM" I screamed , running downstairs , frantically trying to find her .
"Chill out Charlie , what's wrong ?" She said , almost sounding bored .
"There's a girl upstairs , she slit her wrists right in front of me . Please help Mom we have to find her" I cried .
"Listen Char , the doors are shut , as are the windows . I think you might just be having a flashback of your 'situation' that happened before we left" she said taunting me .
"No mom , I saw her ! I swear !" And by now I was just angry that she didn't believe me .
"Okay . I think it's best you went upstairs to sleep now " she said , in a patronising tone .
"But mom it's only nine o'clock , I won't be able to get to sleep . It's too early " I said .
"Take a few of my sleeping pills , I know you certainly have before" she said .
I ran upstairs , crying at how bitchy my mom could be . I mean I'm her own daughter for crying out loud.
I went into my room and slammed the door . All of a sudden a hand covered my mouth , then they pulled me round so I could see their full face . It was the girl from this morning .
"Now listen " she said "if I uncover your mouth then you shut the fuck up and don't say a word until I say , okay ?"
I nodded my head for I was now scared of this girl .
"Hi , I'm Violet . I used to live here , you'll be seeing a lot of me now okay ?" Violet said
"Okay . I saw you yesterday, cutting ." I said , hoping it wasn't just a "flashback" as my mom had suggested.
"Oh yeah sorry about that . Why you here by the way ?" She asked
"What do you mean ?"
"I mean , everyone that lives , or has lived here , has come here for a fresh start . So what is the thing that made you move here ?"
Well I wasn't expecting that .
"Um , I attempted suicide " I told her , showing her my left wrist .
"Ha" she replied
"What ?" I suddenly felt conscious of what I had told this stranger.
"We match" said exclaimed , showing me her left wrist . It wasn't as deep as mine but it sure didn't look like it would heal anytime soon .

"Well I have to go but I will see you tomorrow" Violet said slowly .
I then realised how stupid I must look , staring at her wrist for such a long time .
"Oh yeah , see you tomorrow " I said .
I opened the door to let her out but by the time I had turned around again she was gone . And now , I was really scared of her . A disappearing girl , who threatened me and cuts . I just hope that I meet other people too .

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