3 - What Happend

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By the time I woke up it was eleven o'clock . I opened my eyes and stretched my arms , hopefully I wouldn't bump into Violet again . She freaked me out . I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen to see a note with 'Charlie' written on the front . Inside it said 'I've gone for a job interview , be back around 5 . Mom'
Great , home alone . At least it gave me some time to explore . I grabbed an apple and walked down to the basement to see what was there . Not much was there but it smelled so bad ! I flicked on the light switch and in the centre of the room was a wooden chair . And a boy sat in it . He was about 15 maybe ? He had messy , curly , dirty blond hair . He was wearing a green and black striped sweater and had a smirk on his face .
"Who're you and why're you here?" I questioned, worried that he wasn't actually as nice as he looked .
"I'm Tate . My mom lives next door , so I guess we're neighbours" he announced.
"How did you get in here ? Why are you here ?" I asked .
"Well , I was bored to death so I thought I'd see who'd moved in . You live here alone ?" He said.
"No , I'm here with my mom . She's out at a job inter-" I was cut off by him speaking .
"Well , what's your name ?" He said
"Charlie" I replied .
"Can we go upstairs ? It stinks down here" he said , his nose crinkling .
"Um , yeah sure" I said , surprised at how comfortable he felt .
He stood up , he was tall . Or maybe I'm small ? I don't know .
"Well are you coming or what?" He said , already making his way up the stairs .
"Yeah sure" I dropped my apple , but it didn't really matter . I'll get it later , before mom gets back .
I walked into the living room , he was already there and had made himself comfortable on the brown leather sofa .
"Why did you move here ?" He asked
"What do you mean ? Does there have to be a reason ?" I answered
"No , but normally everyone comes here for a fresh start . So why are you here?" He said
"You know , someone else said that too" I said .
His eyebrows drew together in confusion.
"I thought you only moved in yesterday ?" He said
"Well yeah but some girl that use to live here , Violet ? She said the same thing" I said "did you know her?"
"I used to yeah . And she's already seen you yeah ?"
"Yeah , why ?" I asked .
"Oh no reason , we have history that's all" he said "but you never answered my question, why're you here ?"
"Fresh start . It was a failed suicide "I explained , showing him my left wrist .
"Well that makes both of us ." He said holding up his wrist too .
Jeez , does everyone cut in this neighbourhood or what ?
"Well" I said awkwardly "sorry , but my moms gonna be here soon so .."
"Oh no it's fine" he said rising out of the chair "I'll show myself out"
I was stood in the doorway , when he walked pass he looked me dead in the eye .
"Well , I'll see you again soon ." He said quietly .
"Ye- yeah. See you soon" I stuttered .
As he walked off , he turned around .
"Bye Charlie"
"Bye , see you soon"
And as much as I hated to admit it , I really did want to see this stranger soon .

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