chapter 4

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The only light in my room is the glow of my phone against the ceiling as both Billie and Ash spam me with messages.

Ignoring both of my friends all day had been a little bit of a struggle seeing as Ash had even been at my front door constantly ringing the doorbell but thankfully Dad wasn't home and I didn't answer him. But ignoring Billie just feels wrong.

Laying against the pillows with my knees curled up against my chest, my fingers wrap my hoodie strings  again and again. Letting out a rather large sigh my eyes close with the thought that sleep would help me feel better for tomorrow.

Tomorrow. Billies leaving LA tomorrow meaning the next day she'll be in Perth.

She probably doesn't even want to see me anymore anyway.

Choking on a sob I roll over to pick up my phone.

Grasshead <3 24 message notifications

Grasshead <3 4 missed calls

DICKFACE:) 10 message notifications

DICKFACE:) 6 missed calls

My thumb hovers over the screen rather uncertainly. The voices in my head scream at me to ignore the guilt and the loneliness and continue ignoring my friends.

Pushing away the voices I click call and wait impatiently as the phone rings.

"Skye? Hello?"

Billies voice instantly warms me up and I bite back tears at seeing her face again.

"Are you crying mammas ? Hey, what's wrong?" Billie frowns placing her half eaten burrito down and giving me her undivided attention.

"Hey Bils." I half smile looking away from the screen.

"I uh was just dealing with some shit." I shrug twisting my hoodie string as if my problem didn't matter.

Billie stays silent for a second and I can feel her eyes on my face.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She replies softly.

I shake my head not willing to let my disgusting ex ruin Billie either.

"It was just about my ex. It'll be ok in a day or two." I sigh running a hand through my hair.

"Ok. Well I'll be in Perth in about a day and a bit. I'll come see you on day one. I'll fix all your problems." Billie smirks bouncing a little on her bed before picking up her burrito once again.

I nod adjusting myself to lay down on my pillow, the phone propped up against the pillow opposite my face.

Exhaustion threatens to take over as a yawn is unable to be withheld making Billie chuckle.

"Fall asleep, I'll still be on call when you wake up." She whispers.

I hum in reply closing my eyes as Billie shuffles around in her bed probably packing for tomorrow.


"Skye...Dude wake up."

Groaning I shake my head and bury it further into my pillow ignoring Billies consistent wake up calls.

"I have to go and I wanna say bye to my airport girl. It's rude to hang up when your sleeping." She whines an adorable pout on her lips.

Opening one eye I let out a little incoherent snort at Billies face up close and personal to her phone watching me with a huge frown.

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