King Porlamorus

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I reenter the meeting room a few seconds after the King, bowing to him, "Did you enjoy your stroll, your highness?"

He motions for me to sit to his right, his advisor already to his left; "It was fine, not as long as I would have liked it to be." He looks over to me, "When will our 'guests' be arriving?"

"Shortly, my royal guard has already gone to fetch them; our cooks have also provided some treats for you and our guests. Would you like me to grab you some?"

He shakes his head just as the door opens, Damian entering first and bowing deeply as he introduces each of the guests with their proper title; each one bowing as soon as they enter the room. "Princess of the Zora and champion of Divine Beast Vah Ruta. Chief of the Gerudo and champion of Divine Beast Vah Naboris. Chief of the Goron and Campion of Divine Beast Vah Rudania Daruk. Famed archer and warrior of the Rito Champion of Vah Medoh Revali. The princess's personal knight, and Hylia's chosen hero who possesses the sword that seals the darkness, Link." I can feel the king stiffen beside me at the mention of the legendary hero. Smirking behind my veil Damian continues his introductions, "And Princess of Hyrule and the one that possesses the sacred sealing power and blood of the Goddess, Zelda."

King Porlamorus gazes at the guests before him, sizing them up, before motioning to the chairs before them, "Take a seat so that we may get this meeting underway. I heard that you wish to take my queen to your kingdom in order to fight against some great evil. Is that correct Princess?"

Zelda nodes as she takes her seat, bowing her head slightly, "Yes your highness. My kingdom has recently found a book describing the ways the queens and princesses throughout Romazumara history have aided Hyrule. We wish to call upon your kingdom's aid once more."

"My, do you love to talk Princess. I did not ask for your life story, just a simple yes or no to my question. Know your place as visiting royalty in my kingdom, especially in front of me, the king."

Zelda's eyes widen slightly before quickly asking for forgiveness; quickly I step in to defuse the situation as best as I can. "My king, please take it easy on our guest, she does not know the ways of our land very well, but I can assure you it will not happen again." I look over at him. placing my hand on his knee, holding back imaginary bile at the contact, "She only wants to express her reasoning to you."

Porlamorus sighs heavily as I slowly remove my hand from his knee, "I suppose I can let this slide for now, since my dear queen wants to extend kindness to you; proceed Princess Zelda. Tell me why my wife needs to be in your kingdom to give aid."

Zelda lets out a small breath before sitting tall once more, "In the legends, she provides aid to the chosen hero and the Princess with her magical abilities. Healing magic, defensive magic, offensive magic, and barriers when things seem to be slipping away from them. We hope to not need her fighting with us, but would want her there, should things go awry. War is unpredictable, especially when dealing with evil incarnate, such as Calamity Ganon."

"And what exactly is this 'Calamity Ganon?' " the king questioned.

"A despicable creature built of pure malice. He wants to destroy everything within his path and spread it throughout the world. He is a version of the evil man who constantly plagues our land."

"Yet in the past few hundred years, you have not required our help. So why now?"

"Until recently, the curse of Demise has not appeared after its last defeat. We believe that is partly due to the lack of Gerudo men born during this time of peace. Although small disturbances appeared every now and then, nothing required myself or Link to be reborn. And I assume that goes for Queen (Y/N) as well. She seems to belong to the same cycle we are born into."

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