Maybe We All Need A Hug, But Adventure And Duties Await!

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Over the next few days we traveled throughout Hyrule on our way to the castle; nearly a week in, we are just a few hours away. Having long since abandoned my royal garb, in the clothing Aurora gave to me, I happily trotted along next to the royal carriage; looking all around the wide green fields of Hyrule, letting the fresh breeze ruffle my hair and clothing. Sighing happily I close my eyes letting the warm air caress my skin and stretch my arms up to the slowly darkening sky. "Oh, man! I thought my land was breathtaking, but Hyrule really is something else. The magic in your land is just as palpable as in mine, especially the closer we get to your castle."

Zelda glances down at me from her perch next to the guard steering the carriage, "yes, we do have a build-up of magic within that area. The Sheikha believe it is due to the Goddesses' influence within my family, or the influence of their laboratory under the castle."

My eyes nearly twinkle as I move my attention to her, "a lab? Can I see it? I want to learn everything I can about Hyrule." Looking ahead of us I observe Link who is leading the small caravan, head on a swivel as he searches for threats. "What I have read in the book from our library, doesn't do your land or its people justice." Smirking, I look to Urbosa, who can be seen through the window of the carriage, "our writings mention how beautiful and powerful the Gerudo are, but Urbosa far surpassed my understanding of beauty and strength." I laugh once I hear Zelda let out a small squeak.

"You sure do love to flatter others," her eyes move away from my own as she shifts in place, "be careful, someone might think you have feelings for them with all of that flattery."

I giggle and shake my head, "I mean every word I say, Princess. If someone impresses me, deserves praise, or I just really want to make their day; I'll tell them what I really think. It makes the world a slightly happier place, at least for that moment."

She fiddles with her fingers, a small flush making itself apparent as she looks at me once more, "Even when you said that Link was a...uh, um" her cheeks redden more as she struggles to finish her sentence, causing me to cut in and save her some shame.

"You mean when I told you he was a very attractive man, and how I was shocked someone hasn't settled down with him yet? Or the part where I said any woman would be lucky to have a man like him?" I hear her squawk out in shock and I laugh again, watching as Link's shoulders stiffen slightly, the points of his ears turning red. Through my giddy breaths, I continue, "Yes I meant it. He might be silent, but I've bared witness to how kind he really is. If more people were like him, no one would need to worry." I look back at her and smile brightly at her, Zelda and the others still growing used to my newly exposed face and expressions; my heart clearly on my sleeve, well face to be more precise.

She returns the smile, hers softer and more reserved, "Yes, I agree it would."

A smile spreads across my face that unsettles her, resembling the gremlins in a children's book than the kind Queen before her. Her body stiffens as it grows wider, just before I speak in a lightly teasing tone. "You're pretty cute yourself, Princess Zelda," a squeak like a mouse interrupts my sentence as her face reddens, causing her to cover it. My smile grows, "so smart and headstrong. It's pretty funny when you get all snippy with Link, while he just stands there with that blank face." Face reddening I give a genuine smile, looking out to the trees as the wind causes them to sway, "I'm so happy to have met the two of you, well all of you really. You are all so kind, even with our differences, it seems you've warmed back up to me even if only slightly; and for that I'm grateful. I do want to be friends with all of you." I catch a guilty look cross her face as he quickly looks away, causing me to tilt my head and open my mouth to question her, only to be interrupted.

"So sappy. Are you a queen, or an old woman laying on her deathbed," the arrogant voice of Revali rings out above us, as he swoops to land next to me, my laughter filling the air as he continues a report to Zelda, and the knight next to her, Links ears peeking in interest as he looks over his shoulder. "The path ahead is all clear. I took care of the small Bokoblins near the road. We should be at the castle within the hour."

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