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The path through the hideout was grueling, sneaking around and staying crouched for so long is hard to do with any sort of heels on; but I could not remove them due to the possibility of hurting myself. Yet we push on, eventually coming to a room with hidden chests, the room before a terrible sneak fest of large Yiga soldiers. As Wild collects the chest and equipment around him, replacing his broken ones; we hear rapidly approaching footfalls. Turning my head to Wild quickly, I call out; "Go ahead, we'll take care of whatever is coming and meet up with you." Wild gives a thumbs-up before rushing through the hidden doorway, and to our shock the door slams closed, separating us.

Growling I clean my fist as I turn my attention to the entranceway, Legend setting in front of me with Four, swords at the ready. Wind rushes to the back, drawing his bow and arrow, knocking one to fire off as soon as the threat has been assessed. A red eye is the first thing we see, glowing in the darkness as a shadowy figure quickly approaches.

"Fuck, he's back," Four snarled as Wind shoots off an arrow, the dark figure jumping out of the way.

Raising my hands, a fireball forms around them, before I launch it down the corridor; reviling the towering figure of Dark Link as he sidesteps my attack. His sword and shield are at the ready, and as he passes the doorway he strikes at Legend and Four, his skills already suffocating as he knocks them aside with ease. My frantic eyes shift between the two of them as they slam into the wall, Dark Link rushes at Wind next. Throwing my hands up a baby blue force field surrounds Wind, Dark Links sword ricocheting off of it; causing the threatening monster to stumble backward. "I forgot how annoying you can be. Why don't you step aside and let me take these dicks out."

"You have more than one?" I snarl at him, readying a concentrated light in my hands. Four and Legend struggle to stand, bodies shaking.

"You and I both know you don't stand a chance against me." Dark Link huffs, a shit-eating grin making its home on his face. The eye I stabbed is sealed shut by a charcoal-colored crust, the skin around the socket the same color.

"Oh, I know. But I can still fuck you up. Like I did that eye of yours." The forcefield around Wild explodes, pushing Dark Link away from Wind, Wind already firing an arrow that settles into Dark Link's shoulder. He lets out a struggled shout as Four and Legend rush him, taking advantage of his impaired vision. However, Dark Link backflips out of the way, ripping the arrow from his shoulder and flinging it aside. Before he can recover I shoot off my light, the heat singing his clothes as he falls out of the way.

Legend rushes him once more as Wind sends another arrow in his direction, managing to slice Dark Link's leg as the arrow embeds itself into Dark Link's hand, causing the creature to lose his grip on his sword. Cursing darkly, he puts his shield away and uses his left hand to lift the sword. Then as quick as he can, he swings his sword, slicing it into Four and Legend, as well as, flinging them to the side. His sighs then land on Wind as another ray of light forces him to fall backward.

"Keep your hands off of Wind, or you know what'll happen," I warn, eyes narrowed in pure malice.

"I love that look in your eyes, especially when you're dressed like that. Go on, hate me. Let that malice take over and do all the disgusting things that rush through that mind of yours!" Dark Link sounds all too pleased.

"Careful what you wish for; I might take your other eye. Maybe I'll kill you. Let's see what happens first." I fire at him again, managing to hit him in the arm.

He keeps quiet, enduring the pain as he dashes at me, Wind jumps in the way and slashes Dark Link across the chest. Before Dark Link can land a blow on Wind another force field surrounds Wind; Dark Link's attack bounces off of it. The following explosion sends him into the wall as the forcefield explodes once more; air rips around us from the force.

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