Chapter 2

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Ren Pov.

Once I made it to the Lonely Mountain and landed at the gate and transformed into my human form and walked in as the dwarves looked at me as I noticed that some were new because I could tell they had their guard up till I saw one of my good friends and I smiled softly.

"Dis!" I called out as she turned around and looked shocked and happy at the same time.

"Ren!" Dis cried out as she ran to me and I walked over to her as she ran into me, hugging me as I hugged her back. "Oh, I miss you so much! Including Thorin and my sons."

"I missed you too, and I miss everyone here. Say, is my room still open?" I asked, as she nodded.

"Yes, include the guarding that you made. Oh! Do you want me to tell Thorin and my sons that you are here?" Dis asked, as I want to see them, but I need a place to think for now.

"Not right now. I need to think about something." When I said that, Dis's face looked worried and concerned.

"Is everything alright?" Dis asked as I looked at her and shook my head.

"No, a war is coming, and I need to think about how to stop it before it even starts. Plus, I need to know how I came back alive." I said as she gasped and looked at me with wide eyes.

"YOU DIED!" Dis screamed out as I sigh and nodded.

"Yeah, but I really don't have time. Maybe we can catch up later, okay?" I told her as I walked off to the hallways that I know very well.

Once I got to my room, I opened my door and saw that my room had not touched for a while as I walked in and looked around with a smile before taking a deep breath in and letting it out as I went to my closet and changed into new clothes. Once I'm finished changing into new clothes, I saw the blood spot where I got stabbed at, and when I look at myself in the mirror, there was the stab wound but fully healed. Pulling my shirt down as I put on my black cloak and walked to the middle of my room. Sitting down in the middle as I closed my eyes and floated up into the air as I felt my hair fly around my head, then I opened my eyes as a bright flash came into my view. Looking around as I saw I was in a forest and a door.

"Ren." a voice called out as I turned around and saw a lion that was looking at me.

"Um hello?" I said as the lion smiled and walked closer to me as I stood there and watched the lion moving closer to me.

"My name is Aslan." I have been watching you and I can see you're confused about how you are alive." Aslan said as I nodded. "Well, your time is not us just yet. You must go into other worlds and see if they can help you with this war."

"Wait, how do you know that there's a war going on?" I asked him as he chuckled and looked at me, then looked to his left as I looked to the left also and saw Gandalf standing there, but he was all white. "Gandalf?" I say as he smiles and chuckles as I feel tears in my eyes and run to him. "Gandalf!" I cried out as I hugged him. He laughed and hugged me back.

"Hello Ren." Gandalf said as we pulled away and I looked at him.

"You are white now! Not gray!" I said as he laughed and nodded and looked at Aslan as he was standing next to me.

"Ren, both of us have something to say to you." Aslan said as I looked at him, then at Gandalf.

"Alright, what is it?" I asked, as Gandalf leaned on his new staff.

"As you can tell, I have died and come back as a more powerful wizard." Gandalf said as I nodded.

"I have also died and come back." Aslan said as I looked at him, then at Gandalf, then back at him, then it clicked.

Off On My Own (Narnia and Lord of the Rings: Two Towers) #3Where stories live. Discover now