House Troubles

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Lydia had texted you a few hours ago, asking you to come over again.

And of course, you accepted.

But by the way she had spelled her words, she seemed worried, her grammar was no longer perfect as it usually was.

It made you drive ever faster to her home.

And soon, with not much traffic, you finally arrive.

You quickly hop out of the car and approach the front door.

Then, you gently knock and wait patiently for a reply.

After a few moments, the door opens to reveal Lydia.

Her eyes look red and puffy and she seems troubled.

"Oh, Y/N....Come in." she says solemnly, gently grasping your hand and leading you into the house.

You follow her into the living room and down onto a couch where the two of you sit side by side.

"What's up, Lydia?Is everything okay?" you ask, squeezing her hand gingerly.

She sniffles and looks up at you.

"They're gonna demolish the house...".

Shock runs up and down your spine.

"What?!Who's they?!Why are they doing this?!" you ask, instantly fiercely angry at the people who've made Lydia cry like this.

"I don't know.The mayor wants the house down because he says its ruining the look of the place, with me especially the rumors about Barb and Adam being here." she responds, her voice breaking, "And if they destroy the house they'll destroy Adam and Barbara.And i'll have nowhere to stay...".

"Oh, Lydia....I'm so so so sorry..." you murmur as you pull her into your arms gently.

"I'm sure they won't demolish a house when someone is living in it!" you exclaim, stroking her black hair.

"You don't know how far this guy will go to make all the houses look the same." she replies.

"Lydi, how about this...I'll stay here with you tonight and first thing in the morning you and I will march right down to that bastard's office and give him a piece of our mind!" you suggest as she snuggles her head into the crook of your arm.

"I...I would like that.I always get so so stressed out when this type of thing happens.It'd be nice to have you here." she responds softly.

You smile and lean down to place a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I just want you to know something important, Lyds," you begin, "As long as i'm here everything is gonna to be alright.I promise.I won't let anything happen to you or Barb and Adam.You'll be fine.".

She sniffles and looks up at you innocently.

"Are you sure, Y/N?" she asks.

"I'm positive, Lydia.Everything is going to be fine.I promise." you assure her, placing another soft kiss on her face.

She reaches her hand up and gently caresses the side of your cheek lovingly.

"Okay...I trust you, Y/n.Thank you." she whispers, rubbing her thumb in circles on your jawline.

You chuckle softly and cuddle her further into your embrace.

"I love you.You know that?" says Lydia as she tilts her head up to kiss you.

"I love you too, Lydia.I love you so much." you reply as she continues to gently thank you.

Author's note:I know this is really short but I'm running out of ideas, PLEASE GIVE ME NEW STORY REQUESTS/IDEAS IM DYING OUT HERE😭😭😭😭

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