Part 1

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The blaring sound from Lydia's alarm clock jolted her out of bed. It was her second alarm, and she was late. Her husband Alec was already in the shower singing along to the Christmas tunes that played softly on his portable shower radio. He didn't like to admit that he like Christmas music but anytime Santa Clause is Coming to Town by the Jackson 5 came through the speakers, he couldn't resist belting out a chorus or two. Lydia scurried about the room looking for anything that was appropriate to throw on.

"Alec!, she shouted from the bedroom, "why didn't you wake me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you," he shouted back over the shower.

"You know honey, that's really sweet and all but I have to get the kids to school," she said entering the bathroom.

Alec pulled back the shower curtain and turned off the shower, "I thought yesterday was there last day for winter break?'

"Yesterday was their last full day," she sighed deeply, "Today is a half day and then I have to get them over to their music lessons, you know last one before the Christmas recital. I really wish you would pay attention to the family calendar."

"I'm sorry," Alec said wrapping a towel around his waist, stepping on to the cold ceramic tile, "You know I've been slammed at work with this game release," he said planting a kiss on her forehead, "That reminds me, I may have to go in Christmas eve."

"No way! You can't" she said in a panic, "Your parents are supposed to be coming in and I have the Christmas cookie competition at the cafe before the kids recital. And you know Megan has been harassing me about stopping by her Christmas party. I really need you."

"It will be fine," he said nonchalantly, "I probably won't even have to stay all night; besides I wouldn't have said I'd come in if I didn't think—"

"Wait so you already agreed to go in? I thought you said you may have to go in?"

"Well, sort of," he said averting his eyes from her icy glare, "Look I'll get out of there as soon as I can. I'll be at the kids recital and we can go to Megan's party but I know it's not going to be better than the one that you threw last year," he smiled.

"Thanks," she smiled softly back, "I don't know why she is always competing with me as if I needed more drama in my life.

"She's just jealous of how perfect you are," he teased.

"Oh stop it," she laughed, pulling away from him, "Alright I really have to go."

"Okay, he said planting one last kiss on her," Are you opening the cafe today?"

"No Constance is," She said pausing in the doorway, "I'm heading there after I drop the kids off. Why? Do you want to stop in for lunch?"

"I may," he smirked.

"Well, it's a date."

Lydia grabbed her keys from the nightstand and headed down the stair to find her living room in disarray. AJ. He was the only explanation for Legos and dinosaurs scattered about the living room floor. She carefully made her way through the landmine of Legos to find her three children sitting at the kitchen table enjoying their breakfast with there eyes glued to the small, outdated tabletop television playing their favorite cartoon.

"AJ, did you have to leave your toys everywhere?"

"Shh, mom! The show!"

"Oh no sir, you better get up right this minute and pick those toys up. Girls turn that show off and go grab your backpacks."

AJ grungily got up and walked towards the living room to clean up his toys. This was his morning routine. He would get up before everyone, let the dog out in the yard and then dump his toys all over the living room floor. The girls grabbed their snacks from the ice box and then headed to the front door to put on their snow boots and jackets. It was ridiculously cold out but everyone in town, the Bakers included, were hopeful for a white Christmas this year.

"Mom, can we stop at the cafe for muffins?" Gaby asked.

"No ma'am we are already late," Lydia said gently nudging them through the front door, "AJ! Let's go," she shouted towards the living room, "Jacket and boots."

AJ came flying around the corner and into the foyer to join them and quicky put on his jacket and boots.

"Alright babe, we're leaving, "Lydia shouted for Alec to hear, "Don't forget to let Beaux back inside. He's in the backyard!"

The front door slammed behind them and they crowded into the semi icy black Tahoe. Lydia blasted Christmas tunes through the car speakers as the Tahoe cruised down Magnolia Park lane onto the main street. Since she was already 20 minutes late, the traffic to the public school had subsided and she was able to make it to the Montessori Academy her children attended at a reasonable time.

After she got a scolding from the administrative team in the front office about the importance of punctuality, Lydia headed to the honeybean cafe to help with the morning rush.

"Hey sis," Lydia said as she approached Constance who was updating the chalkboard with today's special, "Where do you need me?"

"Well, I needed you about an hour ago," she said sharply, "James didn't show again so I had to run the front counter and serve out the food."

"I'm so sorry. I woke up late and then had to get the kids to school—"

"I get it," she sighed, "I just thought we agreed that you would open today."

"I don't remember agreeing to that but if I did, I'm so sorry and I'm here now," she paused, "things have just been so crazy at home. Alec has the game launch Christmas eve and the kids have had a crazy last week before break. It's just been a lot."

"Yea, I can imagine," she said snarkily, "especially since I know you're running the kids around by yourself.

"Well, I mean Alec is busy, "Lydia replied, tying her apron around her waist, "It will get better after the game launch."

"Right," she chuckled sarcastically.

"What's that for?"

"Oh nothing," she said shaking her head, "It's just always something but truth be told Alec needs to step up more or you're going to run yourself ragged. I don't think he really appreciates how you hold everything together."

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