Army Dogs (Kara)

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A/n: This is set in season 6, Crisis and the phantom zone, she's the editor-in-cheif of CatCo

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A/n: This is set in season 6, Crisis and the phantom zone, she's the editor-in-cheif of CatCo. And you don't need to, but if you've watched ARCANE, then you'll get the plot a little more, but like I said, your don't need to watch it to know what's happening.

Your Name: Y/n Lockman
Your Alias: Daxor
Your Nickname: Rocky
Your Planet/Raise: Atalon-Atalonian
You Friend/s: Vi, Caitlin, Xander, Abbie , and Nix
Reader: Male


Kara Pov.

After the phantom zone, I just want to rest, Cat came back, but something just feels off... Look I know we won, we saved National City... Nixly and Lex got sent to the phantom zone... Hell, we stoped them from getting the all-stone! I became editor-in-cheif, but it just feels... Off...

Why am I thinking that, well, I'll tell you...

Right now I'm at the alien bar, with the The Second Danvers Family... or that's what Rocky calls us... I kinda like it...

Ok, wait! I'm getting of topic... I'm thinking that because, I just met Rocky a few weeks ago, when J'ohn told me he and Y/n were friends, I just don't know how I mean, come on! He's hundreds of years old, or at least that what I think... Oh Rao, I need to ask him about hi-


Alex: (nocking a beer bottle on my head) Finally! You've been zoned out for the past 5 minutes! are you okay?

"Huh, yeah just thinking (I look down)"

Alex: about what? (She asked worried)

"It's nothing Alex... Promise" I say giving her the fakest smile she's, probably ever seen

Alex: are you sure?

"Yeah-yeah, I'm sure"

Alex: Ok... Well you better get home, you have an early meeting tomorrow... Remember!?

"Oh! Yeah, yeah, the meeting... I still can't believe Cat's coming back, I mean, how long's it been? 4, 5 years"

Alex: Yeah! I can't believe it either... So?

"So?" I looked at her curiously... I really have no idea what she's talking about...

Alex: Rocky! Rocky, God damnit Kara!

She looked at me like I was crazy

"What about him?" I look at her wide eyed

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