Chapter 27 - BARS AND PARTIES.

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TW: mention of drugs.

When I finish taking so many photos, I walk to Jake's side of his stage. I stand there in the wings watching him play. Him playing his guitar and him being himself. Him being in the zone, it was just so mesmerizing. I could watch him for hours and wish he'd never stopped.

The show feels like it just started as the crowd then screams sad goodbyes and screaming louder than ever while they all wave and say goodbye.

Jake runs off stage and straight towards me. He hugs me tightly, picking me up off the floor slightly and spins around. I giggle and he puts me down and kisses me sweetly. I kiss back and smile. I pull away as soon as people start cheering, hearing some booing too. I frown and moved away from the stage, going to the change rooms.

"Jenna baby. It's fine. They're just jealous. I promise. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." He says, grabbing my wrist and when he sees that I'm pouting his face then breaks. I can't help but feel like I hurt his feelings.

"I'm sorry. I know. But some of them would and it never will." I smile towards him. He smiles back, not looking hurt anymore.

"Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong. Anyways, How about we head to the bar with everyone else?" He asks. I nod without even hesitating.

"Let's gooooo!" I squealed excitedly.

Once we all reach the bar, I get out of the car and wait for Jake. Once he gets out, I drag him inside the bar and he laughs as we enter the bar, a wave of heat crashing over our bodies and we go straight towards the bar and get 6 stools and order a round of shots.

We ended up having 5 rounds of shots. I'm quite drunk, yet I stumble away to find a rest room. I bump into someone.

"Oh, my god. I am so sorry." I say, looking up at them then realizing who it was. "Oh, my god! Matt, It's been too long!" I say, clearly drunk. He chuckles softly. Matt was my best friend who ended up almost being my step brother because his dad had started talking to my mom then once he was coming over, he broke up with her once he saw how terrible my mom was to me. I was only 9 years old at the time, so I hadn't realized until that night, for how bad of a mom mine was. He insisted on staying awhile at his place because he wouldn't take no for an answer from either me or my mom, I smile warmly at the thought.

"Jenna! How long has it been? What, about seven years since I last saw you because of graduation?" He asks, I was two years younger than the boys, making me 25.

"Yeah about that. How's things with work and did you end up quiting college like you were talking about?" I ask.

"No I didn't but I did hear your mom is in jail. That must feel great doesn't it?"

I nod without hesitation.

"Thanks to your dad. Tell him I say thank you so much." I say with a wide smile. His face drops causing mine to as well. Had I said something wrong?

"I uh. I-I He's uh, he's in the hospital." He says, tears brimming his eyes.

"O-oh my god, I-I'm sorry. Do you mind me asking what happened?"

"Cancer. It was really bad but he's been a strong fighter and hopefully he fights strong enough he wins and it never comes back." He says, a weak smile forms his face. I pull him into a tug hug and he hugs back.

After we hug for about a good 5 minutes, we pull away and he asks if he could buy me a couple of drinks. I agree and we walk over to the bar, ordering 2 beers. They come after a few minutes and we talk and drink for a while.

I realize that Matt keeps trying to get closer to me and I keep moving back. I look over at Jake a couple of times, trying to get his attention but he's taking his shot at pool. I keep moving back and looking at Jake and finally I look over and he turns his head towards me.

Jake walks over and pulls me aside.

"What are you doing Jenna? You said you were going to the washroom. Not flirting with some guy." He says, clearly upset. I didn't want to tell him the truth because I knew Matt would hear or Jake would up trying to fight him He also hadn't realized that I was looking at him with not just worry but fear. He probably thought that I looked at him worried because he would "catch me flirting".

"Jake, don't worry. He's a close friend and I have been catching up with him since it's been a couple years and I accidentally bumped into him. Plus, his dad has cancer and is in the hospital. His name is Matt and his dad was a father figure to me since mine was never there. Plus he really needs comfort." I say with a slight nod at the end and he nods back.

"Go play pool with the boys, they're waiting for you to make your go." I laugh slightly as he turns his head to look at the pool table.

"Okay, I'll go. I love you Jenna." He says and kisses me lightly.

I kiss him back and smack his ass as he goes to walk back.

He looks back at me with a 'what was that for?' look on his face with a slight smile. I smile innocently at him

I turn around and sit back down, sipping some of my beer.

Matt starts talking again but just then, everything goes blurry then black and I have a hard fall once I hit the floor from the stool. Before I fully blackout, I hear Jake yelling at Matt and him yelling back.

I then woke up and I was immediately met with a bright light which was taking away from Jake and Josh putting their faces in mine, their faces covered with worry.

"Thank god he didn't drug you." Josh said,

"W-what happened?" I ask weakly.

"You're still not eating enough, then you had too much to drink and so you blacked out." Josh said while walking to the door. I nod in response and he leaves, making me and Jake the only two in the room.

I turn to Jake and he hugs me tightly. I hug back as tight as I can.

"Oh god," he says, tears filling his eyes, threatening to fall.


"You're so weak Jenna." He says as a couple tears fall from his eyes.

I reach up and wipe away the tears and keep my hand there. He reaches his hand up and puts his hand on my hand.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be. It's not your fault." He smiles slightly.

"So who won in pool?" I question.

"Technically I won because I was kicking Sam's ass but then we thought that Matt had drugged you." He said, tears coming to the brim of his eyes, intimidated to fall. I take my hand away and move over so he can lay down next to me.

"Hey, Jake?"


"When I kept looking at you, I wasn't looking at you with worry of you seeing me "flirting" with Matt." I pause, he looks down at me, telling me to continue silently.

"He was the one flirting with me and I was looking at you with worry and fear because he kept getting closer. He's never done things like this before. But I kept backing away as he kept getting closer. Thankfully you finally came over." I smile weakly. He hugs me, kissing the top of my head.

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding." He says softly. I rested my head on his shoulder tiredly. Then, Josh, Sam, Danny and Emilie came barging in. Their faces exploded with happiness and smiles.

They ran over and crashed heavily over me and Jake with a group hug. I hug back as best as possible and laugh. We all laugh and talk until we all get tired for the night and it's just me and Jake left in the room.

I nuzzle my head into his shoulder and relax, falling asleep slowly, right before I fall asleep he whispers in my ear.

"I love you Jenna. I can't wait to marry you one day. And I am sure we will." He then kisses the top of my head and we fall asleep, me with butterflies in my stomach and heat in my cheeks.

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