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A soft knock was heard from behind those doors that stood barricading their heads office

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A soft knock was heard from behind those doors that stood barricading their heads office. "Yes come in" The original owner of the cabin said looking up from his computer screen.

"Mr.Han I brought your file" Hyunjin said placing the file infront of him and greeted the other. "Did she trouble you?" He asked sliding the file more closer to him and shuffled through the completed paperwork. Impressed that his daughter still has the will to continue with everything he wants her to do.

"No,but she just asked how things are...thats all" He said straightly. A little scoff echoed in the room for how 'childish' he thinks of her daughter. Before he could say something, a rushed knock reached their ears which the head approved to let in. Both present inside the room was confused of who or what it might be about.

A man in his early thirties appeared through the door in a haste, trying to reorder his breathing. He pushed his glasses aback refraining them from falling off for how he ran all the way "What is it Moonbin?" Mr. Han questioned "S-s..sir....bad ne-ws" He managed to speak through his unsteady breathing thats now resting his hands on his knees trying to ease out the sudden workout.

Mr.Han patiently waited for him to continue his update. "One of our men were killed" he said setting in his normal composure and stood straight but his face was tensed up. The man was always a little sensitive when it came to a fragile topic about a co-workers future disappearance. He was too soft for an organization like this and Mr.Han knew about it,even so he kept him with the company just because his work is outstanding. He doesn't care for anyones mental awareness as long as that person is doing their part properly. 'They are grown men anyway' he always thought.

"What?" The oldest emphasized out of confusion. Its not their first time getting to know that their workers were murdered,in fact its a often situation they get to hear of. Its just the fact that it hasn't been any before hand warning or any sign for something like this. Both characters listening knew very well about who and why but didn't show it to the third person present here. It was something only those two knew about and kept for themselves for the betterment of they organization.

"Yes sir,and its Kang Dongman"He said furrowing his eyebrows more. Mr.Han stood up shook hearing his newest intel tool having to bid life even before their big operation was planted. Another side of him quickly predicted that their info must have been leaked again. It always does, their natural enemy is  always to torture out what they know related to us.

"Did you get the cause of death?" He asked acting as if curious." Yes they've reported that it was a throat cut from a thin and long object, something like a knif-"

"Needle knife..."Hyunjin said from the side after listening  "It might have not been his usual way of killing but It sure was him" he said once more speaking his view. Mr.Han nodded in understandment connecting all the dots he had been left for so long to figure out. Moonbin in the other hand didn't understand anything their trying to make sense of but kept on with it.

"Were there any surveillance cameras at the scene?" He questioned wanting to confirm their suspicions but Moonbin just shook his head a no. The oldest knew he wouldn't commit a crime somewhere open and secure but instead somewhere lonely and least of space.

"Okay then...send his family my condolenses and take care of the rest" He instructed his 3rd man in line from assistance not wanting to involve in time wasting things like that. He had too much on his mind and was just too sluggish to make any effort himself.

"Ok sir I'll get on with it"He said lastly bidding and left through the door.He sat back down on his chair with a hazy sigh and covered his face with his hands,thinking through.

"I know I have no rights of interfering but don't you think its best if we start keeping our future operations to ourselves" he said both concerned of the deaths and business "All the victims are either our planted men to get intel or our men in disguise" he voiced out his theories to prevent any more accidents from happening.

For a few minutes the room went silent as both of them were focusing on the current situation their facing.

"Your right Hyunjin,we should change few ground rules here,its not just the deaths we have to take care of but the reputation we're getting for these" he replied to his suggestion. The other just shook his head with it.

↢ ❦ ↣

Why did you leave me? You where the only one I could rely on...Now you left me hanging...Please come back to me...I miss you more than you think I do...I need help but I don't know who to lean onto except you...I don't know who to speak with...I don't know how to stand up for myself anymore...I hate being here without you...Im scared...Please come back again...I need you in my life...

He stared deep into the the unconscious but conscious body that lying infront of him in a white hospital bed with the beeping sounds of a heart rate monitor keeping the pin drop silence room accompany. He held her hand in his hoping he'd feel her hand move even in the slightest of way but she never did,not yet that is...

He's barely holding on anymore,but he can't leave the only light of sunshine in his dark stormy life. He wants to see her taking care of him again. How she would always encourage him in things hes uncertain about. How she would huddle him up in her warmth when hes crying...The one and only person he can give up everything for just to see her back up again...

But alas,Life is cruel enough to make him suffer more and more pain and hurt. At some point he got used to it,but he can't recover from her absence in life. He misses him dearly for the brim of love.

"Please wake up" He whispered in his cracked voice as a tear rolled down his eye but was absorbed by the silk clothing of his black mask. His warm hand rubbed over her cold one radiating alittle warmth.

"Sir im sorry but its past visiting hours so could you please get going as soon as possible?" Suddenly a nurse came around the corner and peeped into the room to ask him to leave."Oh ugh r-right" He said wiping off his tears and put his black baseball cap back on his head and with a final look back he stepped out,letting his legs take him anywhere they want with or without his consent.

Some time later he started to get more and more in to his past and got more drawn to it. He knew it would only lead him upto spending the night on a rooftop surrounded by bottles and bottles of finished alcohol. It was the only way for him to forget the feeling and doze off with a less heavy heart, But that person hates the idea of him taking intoxicants even if hes old enough to handle something mature like that. She says its not good for him and that it would only make him more like his father. Now he really does not like being called that so ofcourse, he'd try some other way to distract herself.

"But whats there to waste time on anyway?" He mumbled to himself when he was all alone on the streets and happens to pass by the place he caused s scene that day.

He came to a halt when he reached there, replaying her priceless reactions once more earning a soft laugh out of his smiling lips. 'She really was not some ordinary girl' he thought comparing all the other women he had to interact with for the past centuries.

"I wonder how she's doing now?" He thought out loud being curious of her state at the time being. His latest interaction with her made him want to have more fun with seeing her irritated because of him. He thought of her in an 'adorable' perspective.

To be continued🌃

Published: 07-08/10/22
Re-edited: 31/07/23

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