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Should I kill him?

Alver just quietly observed Cale just as the others did the same.


Now that he knows my secret, I should make him shut up or else.

He responded confidently at the end of the silence. He could easily erase this person's existence because he was stronger than him. His face was perfectly still. He was determined to protect himself rather than maintain an unnecessary relationship.

Cale, on the other hand, simply shrugged his shoulders.

"All I can say is that I can give you this, but not for free."

What?! He couldn't believe Cale had nothing else to say after giving him such a strong blow.

"Ha, haha-"

Is that it? He's not going to threaten me?

Alver burst out laughing. It made Cale wonder what would have happened if the office didn't have soundproof magic. That, or what would have happened if he hadn't dispatched the servants and subordinates.

The temperature dropped in the room.

"I was going to put you to work; I shouldn't have told you to come."

Alver was sick of seeing Cale's relaxed mug. His gaze was drawn to the bottle containing the black liquid.


The weight of that word pierced into Alver's heart. The reason why he had to work so hard and build his power from scratch. His maternal family was something that the world declared an abominable existence.

He's a Dark Elf.

They were dark creatures who were chastised by the people of the continent for their proclivity for darkness. The dead mana flowing out of the dead was the foundation of their power.

Dark Elves were previously found near graves or villages that had been destroyed by illnesses.

People despised Dark Elves for this reason, even though they never harmed people or desecrated corpses.

As a result, the Dark Elves have gone into hiding. They were even better at hiding than the elves.

Alver shifted his gaze away from the glass bottle and toward Cale. Cale simply returned his smile. Cale's gaze was clear. He's not feeling any negativity from him. He's looking at him, the real him. He was not averting his gaze, but Alver couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and treachery.

It's natural.

It's normal for him to be cautious.

His reason is to tell him otherwise.

"And you'll keep your mouth shut?"

"Of course."

"But not for free?"


Alver spoke his honest feelings. The only time that someone didn't curse their existence. The very first time that someone didn't point out his only flaw.

It made him feel that existence was natural.

"You sly bastard."

It made him believe that there were people who would accept them.

"Why, thank you."

Alver despised the fact that Cale didn't even flinch at what he said. At the same time, he felt relieved. Cale had approached him directly rather than the favored third or second princes who were vying for his position.

The Damn Scam called Falling in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now