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[I am not going to touch Hunter's part. This is a sealed God's ending]

Their relationship became public knowledge. Both of them remained silent about it but did not deny it. When both of them are present, there is dog food everywhere.

The pinkish aura with flowers and a heart floating around. The Bouquets were getting ready to greet the other and—

"The Crown Prince is so sweet; he even helps Lord Silver Light of the carriage even though he is a man!"

The collective delighted squeals of noble ladies watching the two's romance.

Of course, those with bitter-lonely-frozen love life wouldn't understand.

[yesss, feel attacked... mwahahahhahahahahhahahaha]



"So... you want to marry Henituse Duchy's First Born?" Zed Crossman inquired.

Robbit's jaw literally dropped on the table, and tea spilled from his mouth.

The Third Prince also dropped the fork he was holding.

Of course, not only them but also several cutlery items fell to the table or the floor.

They cannot condemn a man for seeking out the partner of his dreams, because marriage is a sacred and perpetual bond that should be entered into out of love, not for any other reason.

But with a man?

The entire Crossman household was deafeningly quiet.

Alver was smiling as holy and innocently as he could.

"There is nothing wrong with falling in love," he said as solemnly as he could.

One of life's ironic truths, it has been said, is that sorrow can be a touchstone for love.

He did not want to go through that again.

Marital union is a two-way process. An expressive interest in each other's feelings at a time it is needed by the other can go a long way in deepening the marital relationship.

Alver knew right away what they're worried about if this marriage continues.

"The Heir to the throne."

All other princes looked at him. They knew that he has already anticipated much and prepared some plans beforehand.

"I planned on choosing heir from my nephews."

Soon he will be crowned king.

"Are you sure you want him?" asked the King again.

"Love is meaningless unless it is shared with someone else."

Indeed, no man is an island, and the cruelest act of a spouse is to say, "I could not have cared less," because an ungiven self is an unfulfilled self. The egoist is only concerned with himself.

"My mother once said to marry for love," he said, his smile bright and gentle.

This prevented the king from asking any further questions.

"And I intend to marry for love. I acquire the right to do so after all that I've done for the kingdom and the land." He smiled and looked at his father.

"You truly are... her child," the king stated solemnly while smiling at him. "If that is your wish, then I hope you are prepared for the results."

Alver smiled at him and continued to eat.


He is in a pickle right now.

"How should I propose?"

He wanted to smack his head against the wall because he went and declared that in front of his father, but he has no actual plan.

"What is wrong?" Cale, who had entered through the window, inquired.

"There is a thing called a door," he says as he opens his arms to greet the redhead.

"Hah? Does that exist? Choi Han, there is something called a door," Cale laughs, smirking at Choi Han.

"You once said you left the window opened, so I thought it was the window we should enter."

"You hear that?"

"What are you teaching my Royal Instructor?"

"Do not worry, he is used to it. I have always victimized him with all this nonsense," Cale laughs, allowing himself to be dragged to the couch.

Choi Han and the Children set out to explore the city. They knew the two of them needed to be alone, so they would simply return when Cale contacted them to go home.

Cale noticed the romance novels on the table. He cast a thoughtful glance at the Crown Prince, who was changing his clothes. Cale looked at him and noticed how ripped his lover was.

"I am going to melt."

"You won't," Cale said as he leaned back on the couch, his gaze fixed on the candy in front of him. They spent nights together, but this is the first time he has clearly seen Alver's body..

"You're soon be the king. Any wishes Your majesty?"

Alver smiled sheepishly.

"Nothing really. I'm blessed as I am now."

"Woah. That's a first. Our eccentric Majesty doesn't want something."

Alver leans on Cale and kisses him (spiderman kiss).

"I do want something."

"I need to go home," Cale said.

"You can go back tomorrow."

Of course, Cale snickered but wrapped his arm around Alver's neck.

"Alright. Don't disappoint, Your Highness."

"Who's the one lacking stamina."

"You fainted on me, for the record."

It's this kind of moment that Alver lived for.


The Damn Scam called Falling in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now