Messaging him (10)

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[ thursday april 15th, 2016]

kinda pretty 🙃: if i asked you to help me run away would you ?

stud 😩: well depends on what your running away for

kinda pretty 🙃: well to see you ofc 😗

stud 😩: well then i wouldn't help you

kinda pretty 🙃:

kinda pretty 🙃: are you sure ?

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kinda pretty 🙃: are you sure ?

stud saved a picture

stud 😩: i'm sure

kinda pretty 🙃: well you saved it so what are you going to do with it

stud 😩: print it and burn it

kinda pretty 🙃: well that's just weird

stud 😩: you never actually answered my question

kinda pretty 🙃: which was ?

stud 😩: why do you want to run away and don't make up some shit excuse like earlier

kinda pretty 🙃: well i just want to get away from my parents. from this whole place.

stud 😩 : what abt volleyball ?

kinda pretty 🙃: that's the only thing holding me back from just leaving right now actually

stud 😩: is it your parents ?

kinda pretty 🙃: it's always my parents

stud 😩: well then move out. your old enough aren't you

kinda pretty 🙃: well i would if i had the money.

stud 😩: well i have to go so maybe we can talk later

kinda pretty 🙃 yh sure


Messaging him  ➥ t.i (recontinued)Where stories live. Discover now