Messaging him (18)

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oikawa hated it. he absolutely hated it. his parents were arguing once again but this time it was different. his mother had finally decided to address the fact that his dad was cheating. when he heard her "accusations" he went wild. he sent oikawa to his room just as he started a shouting match with his wife.

oikawa cried into his hands as he listened to his parents scream. he put his head in his hands and sobbed quietly. his phone vibrated next to him and he picked it up to see what it was. his eyes widened when he saw that iwazuimi was calling him.

they had been doing that more frequently over the past few weeks now. calling...It was late though? why was iwazuimi calling him? oikawa wiped his eyes and pressed the green phone icon before putting the phone to his ear. In a choked up voice he managed spit out,

"hey, iwa-chan."

"oikawa? have you been crying?"

oikawa cursed himself and took the phone from his ear to let out a shuddered exhale before returning the phone to his ear.

"are you that surprised? can't you hear the yelling in the background?"

there was silence on the other end of his phone and he couldn't help but feel nervous. what was iwazuimi feeling right now.

"i can hear it shittykawa. lock your door and put some headphones on."

oikawa listened and stood from his bed, walking to the door and turning the small lock on the door knob. he grabbed his headphones and shuffled over to his bed.

"did you put the headphones in yet?"


he laid back and plugged the headphones in. the screaming wasn't cut out entirely but it was really faint now that he had them in.

"i'm done iwa."

"good. now tell me what happened."

oikawa explained that they were peacefully eating dinner when his mom suddenly confronted her dad about him having an affair. his dad got angry and shouted that oikawa go to his room. as soon as oikawa left the table his dad went berserk. he screamed at his mother and told her to keep her mouth shut about trivial things like that. oikawa had tried to tune it out but then iwazuimi had called.

there was silence on both ends as oikawa waited for iwazuimi to say something, anything... there was a soft sigh and oikawa felt his gut clench.

"are you ok?"


oikawa felt his heart drop. no one had ever asked him that question. well aside from semi but that was different. this is different. oikawa was shook from his thoughts by iwazuimi's voice

"you wanna know why i called, kawa?"

"n-no," oikawa managed to hiccup out. "why?"

"i had a feeling you needed someone to talk to. guess i called on time huh?"

oikawa was going to reply with some witty remark but a particularly loud scream came from his mother. he sat up quickly and rushed to his door.

"kawa? what was that?"

"i-i'll talk to you late iwa-chan. i-i gotta go"

"wait oik—"

there was silence as oikawa hung up on him. iwazuimi pulled his phone away from his ear and groaned as he sunk back against his pillows.

"that dumbass.. please be ok"

Messaging him  ➥ t.i (recontinued)Where stories live. Discover now