Chapter 10-2: The Spire

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The outpour of dream eaters originating from the top of the spire came down endlessly. Aiden ran over to the building and began his ascent, running alongside the building until he made it to the top. On the roof, the hole looked much worse, as if staring into the stuff nightmares are made of. Maelstroms crackled, shifted and flashed within the keyhole shaped opening. As Aiden prepared to seal it, a rather nightmarish monstrosity stormed down from the epicenter. This creature resembled a Darkside, but more animalistic in both stature and appearance.

It crashed down onto the roof of the spire forearms first, raising only it's head to stare Aiden face to face. The Incubus swiped its large palm at him, knocking Aiden off the building and sending him into a free fall. Following suit, it leaped off the ledge like a predator stalking its prey, the large hand reaching for Aiden as they continually descended. Realizing what was happening, Aiden used his keyblade as a springboard at the split second the Incubus grabbed his leg, and ran along its arm to slash it in its left eye, before catapulting himself off its head and bracing for impact. Blinded, the Incubus collided with the concrete, creating a crater on the ground and sending shockwaves throughout the deserted city. It remained comatose long enough for Aiden to safely roll off its chest and onto the ground. Noting that it was unconscious for the time being, he tried to catch his breath.

"An interesting study," a voice inquired from behind. Turning around he saw Nexadi once more, who held a book in one of his hands. "One former keyblade master by the name of Yen Sid kept notes of these dream eaters. Their point of origin, and their masters, are unknown."

"Here to mess with me again?", Aiden asked Nexadi.

"No. I felt it necessary to share that knowledge with you. By the way, you should know Xerxes has made a full recovery. And he will be coming for you."

"Tell him I'll be waiting."

"Noted," Nexadi disappeared into one of his portals, returning to wherever he came from. Master Yen Sid? He was who Master Ghent had mentioned as his mentor. Aiden thought to himself, at some point in time, he will have to ask Master Ghent about the legendary sorcerer. There were no room for distractions now though. Lunar City had a keyhole that needed sealing. With only one obstacle standing in his way, Aiden grabbed the hilt of his keyblade with both hands, raising it skyward preparing to strike down the abomination that laid dormant on the ground before him. The Incubus grabbed the blade as it swung down with horrific swiftness, and threw Aiden into the clock tower. Wobbling back to his feet, his hearing could only take in the sounds of the gears inside of the tower that spun until the eventual tick of the clock trailed it. Viewing the Incubus from the inside, he saw it readying to destroy the clock tower. As the follow through came barrelling in, Aiden dove to the outside between the monster's legs. It had successfully destroyed the tower. The debris crumbled to the floor in a huge cloud of dust and smoke, leaving nothing in the clearing except for the clock's hands and face. Having believed it had succeeded, a roar of victory bellowed from the Incubus as it looked to the darkened skies, from which it saw Aiden descending down to stab it in the center of its chest. It fell to its knees, defeated, and slammed to the ground while shaking the very foundations of the planet. The Incubus did not rise again, with its husk disappearing into the wind seconds after. With the creature vanquished, Aiden sealed the keyhole atop the spire. The dream eaters disappeared one by one, and the townsfolk returned to normal, confused.

Heads swayed in all directions trying to make sense of what had happened. From what they could see, destruction was everywhere. The clock tower was permanently destroyed, and with Aiden clear out of view, it remained left up to their imaginations as to what surmounted in their absence. As for Aiden, he perched himself on the spire looking down on everyone below. To his surprise amongst them was Aster, searching frantically for something.

"Aiden?", she cried out. She scanned the crowd all throughout, but didn't see him. When her eyes lifted, she caught glimpse of him up on the spire, and greeted him with a warm smile and a nod.

Nightfall came and Aster, alongside Aiden, sat on the ledge of the spire, each having a hand of a sea salt ice cream.

"Very strange tasting," Aiden said, eliciting a giggle from Aster.

"Sweet and salty. Pretty cool, right?"

"I guess. Kind of fruity too."

"This one is blueberry flavored. It's the first one my mother ever bought for me."

"Pastime of yours?"

"Yes. Eating them is a way for me to cope with being away from my family."

"You miss them don't you?"

"I do," she frowned, "I came here for a fresh start for my flower business. A mix of adventure, feel good moments, friendship, memories. Maybe even a budding romance...if I got lucky."

"Did you find any of the things you were after?"

"Adventure. Along with tension."

"I'm sorry about that. Not exactly the safest place out there."

"No, but I don't want to leave until I find what I'm looking for."


"I have to admit, you and...all of this...I wasn't expecting any of this at all. It's been scary and exciting at the same time."

"I'm glad."

"The explanation you owe me by the way..."

"Aster, I---"

"It's okay. I understand. Part of me wants to know. Part of me doesn't. When you're ready to tell me, I want it to be when you're sure."



"I promise."

"Good," Aster's ice cream melted in her hand as she gripped it tight.

"Your ice cream's melting," Aiden alerted her.

"Oh," she snapped out of her trance.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm trying to be."

"What's wrong? Is it the flower shop? I can ask Master Ghent to---"

"No, it's not that."

"What is it?"



"You. I'm...I'm glad we met. Without you....I don't know what would have happened to me. Thanks for saving me."

"You're welcome, Aster. It's the least I can do for you patching me up."

"I don't know, I'd say what you did for me was waaaaaaaay more helpful," she nudged his shoulder. When he nudged her back, she caught his arm as he brought it back to his side. Aster wrapped her arms around Aiden's bicep, and rested her head on his shoulder while staring up into the stars. He stargazed with her and finished off his sea salt ice cream as they watched the  bright purple and black horizon. Soon, Aiden turned to see her face, but her eyes were closed, with a faint smile. There was a fidget felt inside of his body, although as much he wanted to get back out there, Aiden realized even a warrior needs a moment of silence.

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