Chapter 3-2: Atlantis - Caverns

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The caverns were infested with heartless. Due to Atlantis having no living creatures with the exception of the Atlanteans themselves, the heartless that Aiden encountered were seen in their raw, pureblood forms. He could spot but a handful of them in the trench below him, and wasted no time in tearing them apart. He jumped down and got to work. When he finished, the figure dressed in black appeared on the plateau that Aiden leapt down from. Though Aiden did not know he was there, the slow clap alerted him to the mysterious man's presence. 

"Not bad," the figure said leaning on a stalagmite, his legs crossed, "When it comes to hacking away at heartless, you really give it your all."

Aiden squinted up at the mysterious figure. "Who are you?", he asked.

"Me? Maybe a friend, maybe an foe, depends on your perception I guess."

"I'm guessing those were yours."

"Whatever makes you think that, friend?"

"Your eyes."

"Oh darn, the eyes gave it away, huh?"

"What're you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I asked first."

"Fine. I thought this would be a good place to go on vacation. There I said it, you happy?"

"Something tells me your idea of a vacation isn't sitting by the sunset watching the water sparkle."

"Hmmm, guess I was wrong about you. You're very perceptive. And here I thought you were just some dork."

"Why don't you take off that hood so I can see your face?"

"Sorry, no can do buddy. Wouldn't wanna spoil the surprise now would we?"

"What surprise?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise."

"Try me."

"Nah, sorry, boss's orders. Then again, I guess maybe I can tell you just this once; the boss thinks he's onto something regarding Atlantean tech. He thinks maybe those fancy crystals they have dangling on their necks could be used as a vessel for darkness. He knows those crystals contain light energy in particular, not dark energy, but he also knows those crystals also act as the city's life force. Guess what happens when he siphons the light energy from those crystals?"

Aiden paused for a moment. He thought to himself the question; without any light energy from the crystals, "The city dies."

"Bingo, see? I knew you weren't as dumb as you looked."

"But then if the city falls into chaos, why would he still want the crystals? Isn't leaving the city in ruin good enough for him?"

"It's all part of the grander scheme my inquisitive friend. Anyway, I'd love to talk but I should be getting back to the good ol' HQ. Be seeing ya!", the mysterious figure began to conjure black smoke from his feet, notifying that he was ready to teleport away. Aiden hopped up over to the ledge to attack him, but he disappeared too quickly. Before he was able to think, he heard large explosions coming from outside the caverns, and rushed back to the city.  

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